


Medicine Wheel

Page 17

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Sundance Discussion
By Earthwalker

I am running out the door but need to ask. Can anyone speak to the energies involved in the Sun Dance.

The Sun Dance (For the sake of brevity I'm quoting someone else. Sorry, I'm rushing through here this morning to make a meeting in a little while.) From The Encyclopedia of Native American Religions: "Sun Dance. (Wiwanyag, Wachipi, "Dance Looking at the Sun". Lakota. One of the Seven Sacred Rites foretold by White Buffalo Calf Woman. According to the holy man Black Elk, the Wiwanyag Wachipi, or Sun Dance, originated in the vision of a man named Kablaya. Before beginning the ceremony, he told the people that four days of preparations were necessary. These preliminary activities included gathering the required objects, teaching holy songs to the designated singers, selecting persons to scout for a sacred cottonwood tree, choosing a man for the honor of counting coup on the tree and ritually cutting, transporting and positioning it in a prepared location in the ceremonial area. Besides consecrating the objects to be used in the ceremony, he prayed with the Sacred Pipe. He also ritually painted the sacred tree and prepared holy objects for it, including a buffalo calf skin, a bag of tallow, a small chokecherry tree and symbolic representations of the buffalo and a man. After the tree was raised, a sacred lodge representing the universe was built around it according to the holy man's instructions. The participants then received further teachings in a sweat lodge purification ceremony. They each vowed flesh offerings or sacrifices on behalf of the earth, the people, winged creatures and for other purposes.

Ritual elements of the Sun Dance included fasting, purification and dancing before the sacred tree. One aspect of the ceremony included piercing the flesh of the male dancers who had pledged to undergo the sacrifice. Conducted by a holy man on the final day of the Sun Dance, the process was done in various ways. Mato-Kuwapi (Chased-by-Bears), a Dakota from the Santee-Yanktonai bands, provided an explanation of the piercing or flesh offerings to the ethnologist Frances Densmore who included it in her publication Teton Sioux Music. Mato-Kuwapi stated: "A man's body is his own, and when he gives his body or his flesh he is giving the only thing which really belongs to him." The participants concluded the sacred ceremony with sweat lodge purification. After the first Sun Dance taught to the Lakota by Kablaya, they continued to hold it each summer in June or July. During the course of the four-day Sun Dance, other ceremonies often took place. In one of them, families could have their children's ears pierced. This ritual act, often done to fulfill a vow, symbolically connected the youngsters and the dancers who had undergone piercing. The Sun Dance, condemned by missionaries and agents among the Lakota and other Plains groups, became a punishable offence of the Courts of Indian Offenses in the 19th century. In the present day, the sacred ceremony continues to be held in Lakota communities."

When it was against the law it was held in secret. Often it is part of Vision Questing ritual to sacrifice in this way and then dance looking at the sun crying for a vision (Vision Questing in the extreme). The man is tethered at the breast or shoulder blades with leather thongs tied to a tree or attached to a Buffalo Skull and the skull dragged. The man dances without sleep for days (sacrifice and the pain of exhaustion) crying for a vision and will either collapse and tear his flesh or succeed. The women make skin cuttings as offerings and add them to the rattles used or place them in prayer ties. Women can pierce but it is not as common. Please see the article on Variances of Men's and Women's Medicine in the Knowledge Center for more information on this. Vision Questing is part of the Sun Dance.

Cinnamon, Thank you for the explanation of the Sun Dance but I was really looking more for an understanding of the energy evoked during it. Let me try to explain where I can. Recently, I keep coming back to many NA images that I have been presented with in the past few weeks and I feel a tie; a tie to the Earth and Spirit along with universal concepts of cosmos and the universe. As I focus on these images and thoughts I keep seeing the symbolism in the recent dreams and vision; things which were closed loops. The concept of closed loops has permeated all of my paths (mundane and spiritual) of the last few weeks. In the mundane, the closed loop concept was observed in recent audits. On the spiritual side, the closed loop and spiral concepts of a warrior was observed as the energy of the sun was encompassed within a lariat as it attached to its source energy of the Sun; the energy of multi-color iridescence encompassed within the closed loop of the rope. The ceremonial white pipe was observed over and over again floating in the grey environment of void and indicative of balance and this same closed loop concept. Not understanding and in meditation, I pushed further and asked for help and understanding and was again shown a closure of the loop; energy being channeled both ways to Spirit; through us as a hollow bone to others but also from Earth and others to Spirit so that Spirit can more broadly share the energies. The energy present here appears to be cyclical in nature. I think the closure of the Sacred Hoop is symbolized to me by the closed loop yet I think the connection or the closing of the loop was evidenced as a process. So once again I am shown the process of conveyance of energy. Yet, the process of enactment is that of choice which is founded in compassion and rooted in universal love. This I think is depicted in the Sundance as a person willingly sacrifices part of self to Spirit for the greater good or on thanksgiving. It is that process which closes the loop and allows the healing energy of Spirit to permeate the world environment both from Spirit through us to matter and from matter through us to Spirit and back through the simple act of choice (willingness). So I have come back to a full understanding of the importance of free will and choice. The energy observed from and to the Sun appears different both in color (red orange externally with a kaleidoscope of colors internally) and in use than the others (such as the blue white energy) and therein my question about the Sun Dance ritual. I believe I was shown the difference

when energies of thanksgiving and sacrifice are generate from earth / man to Spirit and the healing power from Spirit that can ensue from this type of sacrifice for the whole. While I know I am just beginning to learn about energies, I was just wondering if some place the different types aren’t discussed. The differences are very subtle for me in feeling but powerful in vision. Although exploration is wonderful, a clearer perspective would be helpful. I think the hardest part, although part of the spiral, is when I am thinking I am one place such as the South and feeling the energies of the Sun and then see the Thunderbird involved, which to me I most often see in the East in the element of Air. I therefore find I still get a bit lost as to placement and context. Eventually I am sure this will all come together but some preliminary understanding would be nice; then again / just maybe mind needs to be removed.

Well you're addressing a few points here (albeit unintentionally) so I'll try to define what I'm seeing necessary. First of all, the Sun Dance is about sacrifice of self to receive a vision that will explain something to you, and to offer prayers for others who are in need through that sacrifice. The Dancer is going to tether (pain) and endure suffrage (sacrifice) to receive by Dancing and stares into the Sun where the vision appears. There is no damage done to the eyes but the image is "burned" into their mind and the vision unfolds for enlightenment. That's just one aspect behind the Sun Dance itself and it is not lightly undertaken as it is strenuous to begin with, not to mention still considered illegal and punishable in its offense.

The energy evoked by the Dance itself is that of projection out of body, the pushing through pain (Void) to the other side of it where you find the enlightenment. Pain and suffering bringing forth understanding of the sacrifice made by Self or others. While you are connecting the concepts of cosmos and the universe on an intellectual level they need to be connected through your sensory understanding too and hence all the closed Hoops.

The Hoops are the parts of the independent whole that allow it to function, but the need for each being a vital part. The closed loops. The Sacred Hoop/Medicine Wheel where the teachings all come together, yet stand on their own power/energy. You keep separating things. The profusion of this is clear. Bring them together now. You have enough insight to do that and create the whole within you before you expand it outwardly.

The ceremonial White Pipe was shown to you in the floating grey environment of void and, as you said, indicative of balance and this same closed loop concept. However the symbol of the Pipe itself is the union of the whole, the 7 Sacred Directions, the Masculine and Feminine energy in union, not separate. It is separated only when the Pipe is not in use...bowl/Feminine, stem/Masculine. Together they create the state of balance necessary to Smoke it and send prayers to Spirit or to Smoke a person for Healing or to call forth a vision about someone and see it observed in the Smoke. Smoke makes the unseen visible. It brings dimension to Air. Yes, the energy is channeled in the closed loop, but it is defined that way, not confined. Hence you're being shown definition to use the energies. How to wield them. All energy is cyclic. Air has its cycle in relation to Spring/beginnings, Fire is Summer/growth, Water is Autumn/harvest, and Earth is Winter/sustenance and cycles. (Please see my list of assimilations for the Sacred Directions, those are the lessons each elemental force and the 3 Worlds can teach you about.)

“I think the closure of the Sacred Hoop is symbolized to me by the closed loop yet I think the connection or the closing of the loop was evidenced as a process. So once again I am shown the process of conveyance of energy. Yet, the process of enactment is that of choice which is founded in compassion and rooted in universal love.”

Yes. Intent and your integrity define its strength of purpose. When we take in the energy (in whatever form we call upon) we become the Hollow Bone directing it (the filter for it too through our intent which then defines the purpose to which it is to be used). We then release that energy into the world to do the work intended. Hence your closed circle and the defined use. But when we step out of that focus we release the energy back to it's Source. In a sense it's like calling up a friend and asking for their help on something then going your separate ways for awhile. Its the exchange of energy and it's mixing with us that allows it to manifest in the physical reality. All things are born first of Spirit, then manifest as we (as women) give birth to them. The masculine energy fertilizes through action, but the feminine energy conveys. Source Energy being neutral (white/pure) can then be converted to any needed form when the process (Hoops) are understood to define it.

“The energy observed from and to the Sun appears different both in color (red orange externally with a kaleidoscope of colors internally) and in use than the others (such as the blue white energy) and therein my question about the Sun Dance ritual.”

Red/aggressive action or passion or sacrifice (blood); Orange/attraction, the calling, the inspiration. Combined they create cause for action and the manifestation of results from the wielding of that energy form. The kaleidoscope of internal colors is the white-hot mix, reflecting the internal mix of energy and hence multiple uses it offers us in options (many Hoops). Externally is the focus (the single Hoop).

“I believe I was shown the difference when energies of thanksgiving and sacrifice are generate from earth / man to Spirit and the healing power from Spirit that can ensue from this type of sacrifice for the whole.”

Yes. But you keep it there and don't expand it hence again the closed Hoop. It's not just on a global scale or cosmic scale, it's the whole and wherever we focus our intent. So it can be personal, localized for healing a disease or injury or emotional wound too. It can be focused on one person, a community, a world, or many worlds. We are only limited by what our minds can accept and when one experiences the cosmic view that horizon expands but we're not to be stuck there. We need to see both extremes and then manifest it in a balanced way to wield it.

“While I know I am just beginning to learn about energies, I was just wondering if some place the different types aren’t discussed.”

They are discussed in each of the 7 Sacred Directions. You have the basics there. From each direction and understanding of the multiple uses to which that energy can be applied we begin

exploring the "layers" of lessons there. Once we have the 7 Sacred Directions understood we have 7 closed Hoops. It is up to us to unite them as a whole. It is also an ongoing process of understanding because as we wield it we learn even more so we are always in a process of growth being added to the foundations we've established to that point. Now there are more than 7 stones in the Medicine Wheel, but these are the foundations. From there we break down the sections further as the pie is cut. We have the influence of the cycles of the 7 stones and how they merge together at the cusps. Yes, the differences are very subtle at times, and very dramatic at others, again the extremes of each. In experiencing the extremes we gain respect and understanding of what this energy can do and learn to judge how it is to be used and at what strength to accomplish our goals. We also learn to be responsible for wielding it because as filters we take on the energy and it always returns to the Source again when it is spent on the task at hand. We are the portion of that return trip too. It comes back at us to return to the Source taking the initial course home. Backlash for a lack of a better term and we need to be aware that what we send out comes back to us for good or bad. Hence our integrity guides us.

“Although exploration is wonderful, a clearer perspective would be helpful. I think the hardest part, although part of the spiral, is when I am thinking I am one place such as the South and feeling the energies of the Sun and then see the Thunderbird involved, which to me I most often see in the East in the element of Air. I therefore find I still get a bit lost as to placement and context.”

The placement helps you define the energy signature, Earthwalker, but it does not define where that energy is at play. It can appear anywhere. We just enter the element to understand it. Then when we know what it feels like we can put a name to it, respond to and with it, and wield it or deflect it through understanding if it's attacking or intrusive to the work or moment at hand. You see?

“Eventually I am sure this will all come together but some preliminary understanding would be nice; then again / just maybe mind needs to be removed.”

I think the mind does need to be removed at least in the context of it getting in the way of your sensory perceptions. Energy is read not visually (at least on the whole) but through the sense that it allows us to experience, or multiple sensory inputs that define that signature. Understanding the attributes brings forth the understanding of when to define that elemental energy and how to create compatible combinations to wield it. Combinations bring about balance when things get chaotic. Air balances Water, Fire balances Earth. Air stirs Fire, which stirs Water, which stirs Earth. As one energy merges into the next there is chaos, a warm front and cold front clashing that create a storm. We have to learn to calm the storm through the opposite, the point of balance in extremes. In the center of all this are the 3 Worlds, the axis by which this energy rises and falls for grounding or projecting it.


Cinnamon, Thank you for your comments, they helped a lot. I didn’t respond yesterday since they need to be read a few times. I have included some responses in regards to how you comments were assimilated.

“The energy evoked by the Dance itself is that of projection out of body, the pushing through pain (Void) to the other side of it where you find the enlightenment. Pain and suffering bringing forth understanding of the sacrifice made by Self or others. While you are connecting the concepts of cosmos and the universe on an intellectual level they need to be connected through your sensory understanding too. and hence all the closed Hoops.”

I was seeing this visually and feeling it to an extent but I still see more intensely than feel. However, my left hand when asking for help began feeling like it was burning from the energy from the Earth upwards to Source Energy. I do feel subtle changes in feelings as well. I do try to enhance the other sensory and they are present but the visual is so strong in comparison the other are sometime overlooked. However I am very much aware of working with all senses.

“The Hoops are the parts of the independent whole that allow it to function, but the need for each being a vital part. The closed loops. The Sacred Hoop/Medicine Wheel where the teachings all come together, yet stand on their own power/energy. You keep separating things. The profusion of this is clear. Bring them together now. You have enough insight to do that and create the whole within you before you expand it outwardly.”

This has been a problem of mine in the past as well. My first dances were done within the element of Air, then Fire etc. Possibly I just need the detail up front but I do have trouble bringing it all to center until I write things down. Through that process the assimilation usually takes place. However, I have been trying to spend more time centering. I realize and acknowledge that it is a weak area for me.

“The ceremonial White Pipe was shown to you in the floating grey environment of void and, as you said, indicative of balance and this same closed loop concept. However the symbol of the Pipe itself is the union of the whole, the 7 Sacred Directions, the Masculine and Feminine energy in union, not separate. It is separated only when the Pipe is not in use...bowl/Feminine, stem/Masculine.”

This helps me a lot. Typically I tend to forget about the feminine and masculine balance. You are correct the Pipe is showing me the center focus i.e. exactly as said, the energies are to balance one another. That to me was the missing link, in other words the balance within as well as balance with nature and more externally. I have a tendency to not really place things in a female male context and it can help when I pay attention to this.

“Together they create the state of balance necessary to Smoke it and send prayers to Spirit or to Smoke a person for Healing or to call forth a vision about someone and see it observed in the Smoke. Smoke makes the unseen visible. It brings dimension to Air.”

Yes, but I never see the pipe being smoked just suspended without attachment, floating in mid-air of the void. The bowl this time facing East. It seems to be more like a visual compass showing the balance needed and or the focus of direction. In this case the masculine energy from the Northwest, balanced with the more feminine of the East. I need to think about this more to differentiate anything further.

“Yes, the energy is channeled in the closed loop, but it is defined that way, not confined.”

No it was not confined but enhanced. I wasn’t going to put too many details here but I can include a few more. When I asked for help I was shown the NA brave/ warrior, which had been attached to the sun, lying on the ground probably in exhaustion with the energy pouring from earth through him to source energy (it was primarily of red orange). He was facing upwards with feet towards the North. Energy was going in the same direction upward toward center but angled toward the North. This may be showing exactly what you are suggesting to center the energy more. However, the next frame I saw a silver capsule coming from the universe (from source energy) with pointed ends coming towards earth (here, I lost the visual continuity of the loop). As the capsule entered the earth’s atmosphere the front end opened like a flower does and out of it flew a huge Eagle, the Thunderbird. Its wing span covered two states and I saw if fly from the West over the south western states of Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. As it flew slowly from West to East all that was under it was encompassed in the same golden red-orange energy. The energy was just permeating from the Thunderbird to the land and was beautiful. As the Thunderbird approached where the brave/ warrior lay, I observed the brave / warrior standing and facing South. The Eagle then changed into the symbol of the Thunderbird and was shown as a symbol over the brave / warrior’s right shoulder and head. I believe that I was shown this expansion as you said and that although the visual continuity was non-existent that the power was still cyclical and that Spirit recognizes the suffering of man and responds synergistically when the energies in sufferings are offered up as understanding or prayer.

“Hence you're being shown definition to use the energies. How to wield them. All energy is cyclic. Air has its cycle in relation to Spring/beginnings, Fire is Summer/growth, Water is Autumn/harvest, and Earth is Winter/sustenance and cycles. (Please see my list of assimilations for the Sacred Directions, those are the lessons each elemental force and the 3 Worlds can teach you about.)”

I do keep going back and re-reading many of these articles since I get more and more from reading them now. It’s the spiral back to the beginnings to renew and then expand outward further.

“When we take in the energy (in whatever form we call upon) we become the Hollow Bone directing it (the filter for it too through our intent which then defines the purpose to which it is to be used). We then release that energy into the world to do the work intended. Hence your closed circle and the defined use. But when we step out of that focus we release the energy back to its Source.”

But do we really step out of it? I think its presence is continually felt, nudging each decision etc. Not unnecessarily using elemental energies but just by being connected to the subtle energies of the universe; I think being in balance as depicted by the Pipe is part of daily life; yet can more clearly be tapped into by a change in focus. The two paths are no longer completely separate.

“The masculine energy fertilizes through action, but the feminine energy conveys. Source Energy being neutral (white/pure) can then be converted to any needed form when the process (Hoops) are understood to define it.”

I did not think about energies as masculine and feminine and the differences therein and I think you are right that is what maybe being shown. Especially in color, the hotter or warmer colors being more masculine and aggressive and the more subtle energies being of the cooler colors. Just that helps a lot.!!! I can tell by color the sensory impact and type of energy being used.

“Yes. But you keep it there and don't expand it hence again the closed Hoop. It's not just on a global scale or cosmic scale, it's the whole and wherever we focus our intent. So it can be personal, localized for healing a disease or injury or emotional wound too. It can be focused on one person, a community, a world, or many worlds. We are only limited by what our minds can accept and when one experiences the cosmic view that horizon expands but we're not to be stuck there. We need to see both extremes and then manifest it in a balanced way to wield it.”

Yes I understand this and have been shown this first but I think I was also shown how the unity of prayer or suffering and offering is heard and that Spirit may acknowledged it and that can be very powerful. I also felt that the loop can be multifaceted as well tapping into the entire web of life as energy is inter-connective. I just started experiencing this in terms of the wielding of energies so I cannot comment further.

“They are discussed in each of the 7 Sacred Directions. You have the basics there. From each direction and understanding of the multiple uses to which that energy can be applied we begin exploring the "layers" of lessons there. Once we have the 7 Sacred Directions understood we have 7 closed Hoops. It is up to us to unite them as a whole. It is also an ongoing process of understanding because as we wield it we learn even more so we are always in a process of growth being added to the foundations we've established to that point.”

I am glad that the process of growth is ongoing. Can anyone imagine how horrible life would be without continual learning? There is so much to explore, I love it!

“In experiencing the extremes we gain respect and understanding of what this energy can do and learn to judge how it is to be used and at what strength to accomplish our goals. And I think that is what I have been being shown the gentleness of healing in one case and the powerful healing that can also occur from sacrifice. We also learn to be responsible for wielding it because as filters we take on the energy and it always returns to the Source again when it is spent on the task at hand. We are the portion of that return trip too. It comes back at us to return to the Source taking the initial course home. Backlash for a lack of a better term and we need to be aware that what we send out comes back to us for good or bad. Hence our integrity guides us.”

Cinnamon, have no doubt, I am not wielding energy in any manner but in the most subtle ways and only when being pulled strongly towards the situation. I think it important to note that even then I would only offer the energy as a choice. You know my feelings on forcing anything on anyone; to me it would simply be unacceptable. Therefore any energy channeled would be given

only as a gift and it is up to the individual or the land etc. whether it chooses to accept it or not. I have seen that energy can be used to heal, to protect, and to help one that is lost find their own way back to the source energy. But in all cases it is only offered so that individuals could make their own choices. Never would it be used to dictate my will over another’s, to me that is absolutely unacceptable and creates an out of balanced state. I however do state opinions in both the mundane and in spiritual worlds and have at times strongly stated my views but always respect another’s opinion and give them the right of choice, which I believe is theirs alone. I do however believe that discussion and openness is imperative along with respect and can be aggressive or take a stand in initiating discussion. I also do not allow myself to be drawn personally into the situation by empathetic feelings. I draw the line at that type of attachment and stand more in compassion than empathy. For me it seems if you allow the energies of others to become part of your being you will be pulled into making choices for them since the energies become part of yourself. I personally have placed limits on this and block empathetic energies preferring at least for now the more neutral state of compassion. Would there ever be a time when a different approach would be necessitated?

“The placement helps you define the energy signature, Earthwalker, but it does not define where that energy is at play.”

Yes I see this now.

“I think the mind does need to be removed at least in the context of it getting in the way of your sensory perceptions. Energy is read not visually (at least on the whole) but through the sense that it allows us to experience, or multiple sensory inputs that defines that signature.”

I realize that most individuals don’t visually see but it is the way I primarily I can differentiate the feelings and therein the feeling of differences between the elemental energies. The feelings seem primarily attached to the heart area. The seeing resides or is primarily attached to the mind’s eye. It’s certainly not the most efficient way to understand but even in the mundane I often solve problems at night by “seeing” the resolution in dreams. I see chromatographic peaks and the separation of molecules etc., as well as feel them. It gives me at least two perspectives and helps differentiate between the elements. This I think could be important when balancing two element forces. But I also do need to work on pulling all to center. This is still hard for me to due until after assimilation. How does everyone else pull all that is being seen and felt into center?

“Understanding the attributes brings forth the understanding of when to define that elemental energy and how to create compatible combinations to wield it. Combinations bring about balance when things get chaotic. Air balances Water, Fire balances Earth. Air stirs Fire, which stirs Water, which stirs Earth. As one’s energy merges into the next there is chaos, a warm front and cold front clashing that create a storm. We have to learn to calm the storm through the opposite, the point of balance in extremes. In the center of all this are the 3 Worlds, the axis by which this energy rises and falls for grounding or projecting it.”

This paragraph helps a lot in terms of balance. I just haven’t been exposed yet to all of the elements in terms of their use outside of using them on myself and when standing in them.

Standing in them and seeing the subtlety of the range of wielding each are very different in terms of responsibility, let alone the interactions. I look forward to seeing the interactions and balancing them but I am not there yet. I am still back, I think, going through each one. I seemed to be approaching this more cautiously than at other time since I want to be very careful; I do not want to do harm as a result of enthusiasm. I appreciate, feel and understand the potential power by using those which I have been exposed to in controlled conditions yet only in the most subtle manner. I am not timid here but feel a huge responsibility and therefore am very conscious that while I might want to jump in and just start swimming I cannot pull others into that situation. Thank you for the discussion, it did realign what has been happening.

Hi Earthwalker,

“I was seeing this visually and feeling it to an extent but I still see more intensely than feel. However, my left hand when asking for help began feeling like it was burning from the energy from the Earth upwards to Source Energy. I do feel subtle changes in feelings as well. I do try to enhance the other sensory and they are present but the visual is so strong in comparison the other are sometime overlooked. However I am very much aware of working with all senses.”

It's a process, my friend, and one that takes time. There always seems to be one sense that dominates at first. For you it's visual and that can be all-consuming. Establishing sensory input balance is tricky but it does come in time. The sense of heat for instance, is indicative that the process is emerging now for you. A good sign! *S*

“This has been a problem of mine in the past as well. My first dances were done within the element of Air, then Fire etc. Possibly I just need the detail up front but I do have trouble bringing it all to center until I write things down. Through that process the assimilation usually takes place. However, I have been trying to spend more time centering. I realize and acknowledge that it is a weak area for me.”

Don't see it as a weakness, see the writing it out as a tool. I use it too! *Soft smile* This is why the journal is so vital to people. Finding someone you can share with is not always possible, at least not full-scale sharing. It's a blessing if there is one person who can embrace your experience fully so the journal fills that gap and provides a written record of growth you can later go back over and witness in yourself. I see some of my early entries and roar with laughter, others make me think things through again, but all in all my own patterns of learning begin to show themselves to me and I grow in that understanding which makes future lessons more easily digested. It's not a weakness, it's a tool lending strength. Re: Sacred Pipe: “This helps me a lot. Typically I tend to forget about the feminine and masculine balance. You are correct the Pipe is showing me the center focus i.e. exactly as said, the energies are to balance one another. That to me was the missing link, in other words the balance within as well as balance with nature and more externally. I have a tendency to not really place things in a female male context and it can help when I pay attention to this.”

Just a little jiggle can do wonders! *Smile*

“Yes, but I never see the pipe being smoked just suspended without attachment, floating in mid-air of the void. The bowl this time facing East. It seems to be more like a visual compass showing the balance needed and or the focus of direction. In this case the masculine energy from the Northwest, balanced with the more feminine of the East. I need to think about this more to differentiate anything further.”

Your approach is so logical that it's directing your logic so you can see the areas that need the balancing brought into play.

“No it was not confined but enhanced. I wasn’t going to put too many details here but I can include a few more. When I asked for help I was shown the NA brave/ warrior, which had been attached to the sun, lying on the ground probably in exhaustion with the energy pouring from earth through him to source energy (it was primarily of red orange). He was facing upwards with feet towards the North. Energy was going in the same direction upward toward center but angled toward the North. This may be showing exactly what you are suggesting to center the energy more.”


“However, the next frame I saw a silver capsule coming from the universe (from source energy) with pointed ends coming towards earth (here, I lost the visual continuity of the loop). As the capsule entered the earth’s atmosphere the front end opened like a flower does and out of it flew a huge Eagle, the Thunderbird. Its wing span covered two states and I saw if fly from the West over the south western states of Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. As it flew slowly from West to East all that was under it was encompassed in the same golden red-orange energy. The energy was just permeating from the Thunderbird to the land and was beautiful.”

You were witness to how the energy can be brought forth by those spirits that serve Spirit/Source Energy at play. All in its path is touched by it in good ways, and it's like mana, or spiritual rain falling. The pathway taken is the area where it is most needed, not according to our perspectives but those of Spirit. There was a "route".

“As the Thunderbird approached where the brave/ warrior lay, I observed the brave / warrior standing and facing South. The Eagle then changed into the symbol of the Thunderbird and was shown as a symbol over the brave / warrior’s right shoulder and head. I believe that I was shown this expansion as you said and that although the visual continuity was non- existent that the power was still cyclical and that Spirit recognizes the suffering of man and responds synergistically when the energies in sufferings are offered up as understanding or prayer.”

Yes, and in this you gain the understanding as to how to use that energy, how much you need to share, how it can expand or contract through focused intent. The Eagle is the Hollow Bone or conveyor of the energy. Remember too that energy contains information, like DNA codes, the spiraling cycles it employs are the helix. It "seeds" us, nourishes, and conveys things that we may never fully understand other than through the reactive experiences we have to those touches. As we react and understanding surfaces we can learn to convey that information to others or apply it to the needs of our pathwork.

Here you saw a vast territory covered by Eagle while enroute to the Warrior. The expansive touch of the energy showed that none was wasted, there was abundance enough. The well-spring of the Source itself inexhaustible. This is how it spreads and how you can reach globally with your own work.

“I do keep going back and re-reading many of these articles since I get more and more from reading them now. It’s the spiral back to the beginnings to renew and then expand outward further.”

Yes, and demonstrating how you can use the spiral to wield the energy too. It always returns to Source. As for the articles and growing understanding each time you return to them, you can see the way we expand on our foundations through the cycle of lessons we receive. The pattern is there, the lesson comes, we grasp so much of it and unify it to others at the time. Then it begins again, like layering, we grow rings of understanding in the manner of the Standing People as they age too. Rings of time and enlightenments all building on one and other. However, initially when we discover the reality of spirituality we're so darned hungry for it we try to take it all in. It's like eating an elephant....many little bites, but you sure can't ingest it all at once. LOL

“But do we really step out of it? I think its presence is continually felt, nudging each decision etc. Not unnecessarily using elemental energies but just by being connected to the subtle energies of the universe; I think being in balance as depicted by the Pipe is part of daily life; yet can more clearly be tapped into by a change in focus. The two paths are no longer completely separate.”

In that sense you are correct. However it's a bit like an air current. You feel that current as the wind passes by and through you, yet you can step out of the wind while still being in Air. It's the focused involvement you step in and out of. When you focus on Source energy you call it to you, be it a stream, river, or an ocean of it, depending on your needs. Learning to balance amid it is a delicate act and learning to balance between the worlds allows you to do just that. It takes time to get a feel for it. Like a river has a current, you can step in it or stand on the bank and be out of it. But you're still a part of that overall environment. The energy is ever-present but constantly shifting form and consistencies. Hence the need to recognize the different energy signatures.

“I did not think about energies as masculine and feminine and the differences therein and I think you are right that is what maybe being shown. Especially in color, the hotter or warmer colors being more masculine and aggressive and the more subtle energies being of the cooler colors. Just that helps a lot.!!! I can tell by color the sensory impact and type of energy being used.”

Yes! And because you are so visually orientated your Guides are using color to speak to you. Wherever we focus our attention they focus their messages so we will "see". You struggle with other sensory inputs. Once you have the visual portion down the others will be easier to work with but you need to be aware of them at the same time so you can trigger them becoming more receptive.

“Yes I understand this and have been shown this first but I think I was also shown how the unity of prayer or suffering and offering is heard and that Spirit may acknowledged it and that can be very powerful. I also felt that the loop can be multifaceted as well tapping into the entire web of life as energy is inter-connective. I just started experiencing this in terms of the wielding of energies so I cannot comment further.”

That's fine. What matters is that you *are* experiencing it first-hand. This way it becomes a part of your reality and not just a theory I'm presenting to you as a lesson. What I've experienced is my reality, I know these things. Until you have the experience yourself it's just a perception you're starting to explore. It takes time...a lifetime and then some to fully grasp this overview, Earthwalker, and we learn what is important to our path. There's not enough time to learn it all here. The physical life is the sensory experience. It's a living dream and where we focus, where we find inspiration, where our interests lay...all these things are the map we are to follow. Through our hearts where truth resides we bring forth the spiritual into physical manifestation...each of us our own vortex. It's where we pray our truths and sincerity to Spirit and that is the voice, the voice of the heart, not the head, that Spirit hears. We're so physically conditioned that the life journey is to find the spiritual side of our nature and unite it in balanced harmony with the physical reality. In this way we walk between the worlds, wield the energy we are so much a part of, and we serve the greater good...each in our own way according to our calling. This also teaches us tolerance for the paths of others. We can offer a hand to those who ask. We cannot force feed anyone. We have control only over ourselves. Free will and understanding the value of our choices in life allows us to manifest our dreams. We see them as bounty, wonder, or nightmares. It's our choice to stand in the shadows or step into the light. One each of us must come to on our own and no one can influence that without our permission...our willingness to be influenced. We pick our teachers and they pick us in their own way by accepting our outstretched hand and helping us take the next step. Sometimes they help with a few steps and we move on to another outstretched hand. As it should be. *Smile*

“Cinnamon, have no doubt, I am not wielding energy in any manner but in the most subtle ways and only when being pulled strongly towards the situation. I think it important to note that even then I would only offer the energy as a choice. You know my feelings on forcing anything on anyone; to me it would simply be unacceptable.”

I was just stating fact. Your motives are not in question by me.

“Therefore any energy channeled would be given only as a gift and it is up to the individual or the land etc whether it chooses to accept it or not. I have seen that energy can be used to heal, to protect, and to help one that is lost find their own way back to the source energy. But in all cases it is only offered so that individuals could make their own choices.”

In a sense this is your guideline while you get used to it and a form of shielding your intentions, of focus and honoring others for their free will. It is an honorable method of working.

“Never would it be used to dictate my will over another’s, to me that is absolutely unacceptable and creates an out of balanced state.”

I know. But there are those who would do that. We're not all looking to be servants, some people have lessons to learn about controlling and where it is applied or not. Ego-mania is rife in the spiritual communities too so the statement was a general one, not directed at you per se. Sorry. I mix those statements in (in the back of my mind is the invisible community of non-posting visitors here. That's growing all the time and we're around 1800 strong there daily, so I often make blanket statements.)

“I however do state opinions in both the mundane and in spiritual worlds and have at times strongly stated my views but always respect another’s opinion and give them the right of choice, which I believe is theirs alone. I do however believe that discussion and openness is imperative along with respect and can be aggressive or take a stand in initiating discussion.”

As it should be. For many that's not the case and all we can do is lead by example.

“I also do not allow myself to be drawn personally into the situation by empathetic feelings. I draw the line at that type of attachment and stand more in compassion than empathy. For me it seems if you allow the energies of others to become part of your being you will be pulled into making choices for them since the energies become part of yourself. I personally have placed limits on this and block empathetic energies preferring at least for now the more neutral state of compassion. Would there ever be a time when a different approach would be necessitated?”

This works for you and your pathwork. Many others (and you could experience a time when empathy will be vitally important to your understanding) work from an empathetic basis. I'm one of those people. I am strongest in my sense of touch and hence I "feel" the pain of others. It rams through my body like a wave and I know what their pain is so I can understand it and work from there. The trick to empathy is once it's recognized and understood you have to transform it into compassion so that you can step out of that negative energy and into the positive to restore balance. If we don't do that we do take it on and it becomes very difficult to disconnect ourselves from the problems of others. For me this is a daily issue. It's the tool (one of them) that I apply when I read for someone and it tells me volumes about the person. At the same time it can be ugly stuff if you let it attach to you because then it becomes an influencing factor in your own being, reflecting as part of your light into the world it influences all relationships around you. Let me give you an example of empathy gone awry. I do a reading for someone in a neurotic state. I tap their energy signature and through empathy I read them. If I don't disconnect that neurosis spills into my own energy field. Later on that day I might begin acting neurotically myself and making those around me suffer this person's influence. That's one client.

Throughout the day I work with dozens of people. Each with a burden, each with an energy signature. If I didn't transform that I'd be an idiot by the end of the day and I'd be angry, frustrated, and out of balance affecting all relationships in my life where family and friends are concerned. So I must transform that. Sometimes I get caught up in it but when I see it the solution is simple. It doesn't happen often anymore unless I'm caught in an onrush of clients and don't have time to think for myself for a bit. But it's easily contained most of the time. It's the empathy that points out the issue, it's the compassion that helps us shine a light on resolutions. I think you will find later on that you will use empathy on your own levels or you wouldn't see the problem or know the compassion for it. It's just that you use it in your own way, as I use it in mine and others adapt that skill to their pathwork. We cycle information and learn to apply it to our needs and the way we serve the needs of others. The lessons bring us knowledge, but wisdom is gained through experience and wielding it.

“I realize that most individuals don’t visually see but it is the way I primarily I can differentiate the feelings and therein the feeling of differences between the elemental energies. The feelings seem primarily attached to the heart area. The seeing resides or is primarily attached to the mind’s eye. It’s certainly not the most efficient way to understand but even in the mundane I often solve problems at night by “seeing” the resolution in dreams.”

The mind's eye is the 3rd Eye chakra. The heart is the heart chakra. There are 7 main chakras that align us to our balanced perceptions. There are 7 Sacred Directions/perspectives all relative to the chakra teachings too. You have 2 more or less functional as tools. That leaves 5 more to explore at your own pace and develop. Your sight will more than likely always dominate and make up for the weaker ones, this is the case for most of us, one does dominate, but the others are assets too and we should explore them for greater understanding and increasing our own abilities. Whether you take the 7 Sacred Direction approach, the chakra approach, or some other path that makes sense to you doesn't matter, what matters is that you find this knowledge and use it.

“I see chromatographic peaks and the separation of molecules etc., as well as feel them. It gives me at least two perspectives and helps differentiate between the elements.”

Okay, but that's only a 2-dimensional approach. There are 7 major dimensions to explore. When you have those mastered you "ascend" to even higher dimensions on cosmic proportions that do not lend themselves to mundane terms. You hear of "Ascended Masters" and they are the individuals that have reached that level of understanding. They are the holy men and women who exemplify a totally spiritual life in their pathwork. That is for lack of a better term the Christ-consciousness. Some get a glimpse of it in profound moments but these individuals walk among those worlds of enlightenment. It is constantly a state of progression through evolution. Our path defines itself for us when we follow our truths and seek to know them. We can't all aspire to such heights, but we can put forth our best efforts to grow in the ways we need to grow and that's enough. Some just need awareness, that one on one relationship to Spirit, and they need to move on to serve in the mundane capacity. It takes all kinds of people to make life flow. There's nothing wrong with that. Others are called to serve with a driving passion for that service, seeing a need they are compelled to fulfill or contribute to. That's okay too. Whatever your path, it will unfold as it was meant to and with that unfolding the stages of enlightenment will be made known to you. Look how much this past year has brought you alone. There are many more years and you're going to pick up the pace and start running with this soon. You just needed to get your feet under you and learn to walk it first. It's great when you find out you can run with it!

“This I think could be important when balancing two element forces. But I also do need to work on pulling all to center. This is still hard for me to due until after assimilation. How does everyone else pull all that is being seen and felt into center?”

No. Just those that are in service to Spirit and know they need to wield that energy. Others are just looking for insights. Centering allows you do this and the more you take in, the more assimilations you add to the symbolic images you use to do this the greater the force of energy you absorb and channel. Hope that made sense.

“This paragraph helps a lot in terms of balance. I just haven’t been exposed yet to all of the elements in terms of their use outside of using them on myself and when standing in them.”

It takes time to grab it all. Again the hunger of the novice and the patience that comes to the intermediate person begin to bring about that state of balance. And we always begin with ourselves to experiment on using this insight. As we come to assimilate and accept the lessons received, learning to wield within our own needs, we learn how to help others with that knowledge and our pathwork begins to unfold as Spirit brings us to events and situations that call for that usage.

“Standing in them and seeing the subtlety of the range of wielding each are very different in terms of responsibility, let alone the interactions. I look forward to seeing the interactions and balancing them but I am not there yet. I am still back, I think, going through each one.”

Yes, that's the pattern of the cycle to learn...going back to basics with the more advanced understanding the knowledge takes on depth. We are continually adding to the foundations and making them stronger each time. Hence we relearn lessons taking them deeper each time and we evolve in this way, like the expanding spiral that keeps on going. *S*

“I seemed to be approaching this more cautiously than at other time since I want to be very careful; I do not want to do harm as a result of enthusiasm. I appreciate, feel and understand the potential power by using those which I have been exposed to in controlled conditions yet only in the most subtle manner. I am not timid here but feel a huge responsibility and therefore am very conscious that while I might want to jump in and just start swimming I cannot pull others into that situation.”

This is your integrity exposed. It is the honor you walk with. It is learning to be responsible and does not need to be a weight when you see it (responsibility) as the ability to respond appropriately to a given set of circumstances. It's just doing the right thing when it needs to be done. I'm enjoying the discussion too!

Hi Cinnamon,

“It's a process, my friend, and one that takes time. There always seems to be one sense that dominates at first. For you it's visual and that can be all-consuming. Establishing sensory input

balance is tricky but it does come in time. The sense of heat for instance, is indicative that the process is emerging now for you. A good sign!”

It is coming in terms of hearing and touch. I use the tarot cards Quester by Patricia Bearrie occasionally on myself and only choose cards when both hands can feel the energy. When I wait until I can feel the cards the answers are fairly reliable.

“It's not a weakness, it's a tool lending strength.”

Yes, writing is a tool I have always used it to clarify my thoughts and even to work through problems. As one writes hours can pass and I am in a completely different dimension (place of mind). Nothing else is seen, the focus is intense.

“Your approach is so logical that it's directing your logic so you can see the areas that need the balancing brought into play.”

Logic is very natural for me. As a child I loved geometry for exactly that reason. Yet hated statistics, due to its vagueness and the ability to manipulate numbers to give the answer you want as opposed to logically proving a point. To jump into a world of symbolism is not easy for me but I will get there; but yes I am being shown things where I can use logic to answer questions. I am thankful for that it helps.

“The pathway taken is the area where it is most needed, not according to our perspectives but those of Spirit. There was a "route".”

This was what was so interesting I was just watching while gaining understanding. I was looking for a result but that wasn’t shown but neither did I ask for that, I was asking for understanding of the energy and its use.

“Yes, and in this you gain the understanding as to how to use that energy, how much you need to share, how it can expand or contract through focused intent. The Eagle is the Hollow Bone or conveyor of the energy. Remember too that energy contains information, like DNA codes, the spiraling cycles it employs are the helix. It "seeds" us, nourishes, and conveys things that we may never fully understand other than through the reactive experiences we have to those touches. As we react and understanding surfaces we can learn to convey that information to others or apply it to the needs of our pathwork.”

I know the DNA code is popular today and is being brought out by Greg Baden and others but I still need to read these materials thoroughly before I can jump to an acceptance of change in DNA. and or its primary, secondary and tertiary structure. Once again the problem here may be primarily in the semantics and the way it is being expressed. From preliminary readings it is more of turning on of certain parts of the genetic code. This to me is a much more logical approach and works with science. I think the answers will be a blending (understanding between the two). I do know however that it’s an exciting time to be alive.

“The well-spring of the Source itself inexhaustible. This is how it spreads and how you can reach globally with your own work.”

Yes, it showed how a simple focus of compassion and understanding when sent to Spirit can have a powerful effect especially when given to Spirit as a gift to use as Spirit wills.

“It's like eating an elephant....many little bites, but you sure can't ingest it all at once.”

No one cannot take it in all at once and Now I am more patient since the understanding is coming

“In that sense you are correct. However it's a bit like an air current. You feel that current as the wind passes by and through you, yet you can step out of the wind while still being in Air. It's the focused involvement you step in and out of. When you focus on Source energy you call it to you, be it a stream, river, or an ocean of it, depending on your needs. Learning to balance amid it is a delicate act and learning to balance between the worlds allows you to do just that. It takes time to get a feel for it. Like a river has a current, you can step in it or stand on the bank and be out of it. But you're still a part of that overall environment. The energy is ever-present but constantly shifting form and consistencies. Hence the need to recognize the different energy signatures.”

I see your point here and yes one does walk in and out of the stream as needed but the feeling is ever present.

“Yes! And because you are so visually orientated your Guides are using color to speak to you. Wherever we focus our attention they focus their messages so we will "see". You struggle with other sensory inputs. Once you have the visual portion down the others will be easier to work with but you need to be aware of them at the same time so you can trigger them becoming more receptive.”

I am aware of the others I can now hear and feel at least some but the visual does overshadow when journeying. I wish pictures could be taken to share. Words are so hard; I am not a writer. However last night I had a funny experience along with another. Last night a white eagle showed up flapping its wings like a hummingbird to my get attention; which it did. It then turned into a dove and brought and dropped into my lap an open journal with blank pages, I went off in another series of morphs and energy patterns but at the end came back to the open journal upon which a white “ugly duckling” landed; its webbed feet imprinting its signature all over the pages. It just stood there quaking at me. I think it telling me to start writing things about the web of life down. I’ve been neglectful of this lately.

“The physical life is the sensory experience. It's a living dream and where we focus, where we find inspiration, where our interests lay...all these things are the map we are to follow. In this way we walk between the worlds, wield the energy we are so much a part of, and we serve the greater good...each in our own way according to our calling.”

Yes it is and it’s a beautiful experience but even more so when the spiritual is linked to it.

“In this way we walk between the worlds, wield the energy we are so much a part of, and we serve the greater good...each in our own way according to our calling. Free will and understanding the value of our choices in life allows us to manifest our dreams. We see them as bounty, wonder, or nightmares. It's our choice to stand in the shadows or step into the light. One each of us must come to on our own and no one can influence that without our permission...our willingness to be influenced. We pick our teachers and they pick us in their own way by accepting our outstretched hand and helping us take the next step. Sometimes they help with a few steps and we move on to another outstretched hand. As it should be.”

“This is how it should be since if it wasn’t free will it would be another’s path and we need the synergy between all views not just copying another. I was just stating fact. Your motives are not in question by me. But there are those who would do that. We're not all looking to be servants, some people have lessons to learn about controlling and where it is applied or not. Ego-mania is rife in the spiritual communities too so the statement was a general one, not directed at you per se.”

I realize that. It just seems to me so questionable as to why another would want to control others. I feel sorry for those individuals since they are missing the beauty and uniqueness of others or their perspectives. How does one grow without openness and discussion (through both heart and mind).

“I do a reading for someone in a neurotic state. I tap their energy signature and through empathy I read them. If I don't disconnect that neurosis spills into my own energy field. Later on that day I might begin acting neurotically myself and making those around me suffer this person's influence. That's one client. Throughout the day I work with dozens of people. Each with a burden, each with an energy signature. If I didn't transform that I'd be an idiot by the end of the day and I'd be angry, frustrated, and out of balance affecting all relationships in my life where family and friends are concerned. The lessons bring us knowledge, but wisdom is gained through experience and wielding it.”

I do read others so probably I am empathetic to a point but I can also feel and do consciously block out the attachment part. I can function for their good if I understand but don’t get attached. Probably the blocking limits what I can read but I know that I cannot solve anyone’s problems only help them to solve them in their own manner. I can feel the difference between individuals that want help to overcome problems and those that want to draw energy from another. In reality as I think about your comments I probably do wield energy it’s just that I have always viewed as part of day to day living and it is limited to individuals I meet.

“Some get a glimpse of it in profound moments but these individuals walk among those worlds of enlightenment. It is constantly a state of progression through evolution. Our path defines itself for us when we follow our truths and seek to know them. We can't all aspire to such heights, but we can put forth our best efforts to grow in the ways we need to grow and that's enough.”

True enough. But it’s nice to look forward towards it no matter what stage we are each working at.

“Centering allows you do this and the more you take in, the more assimilations you add to the symbolic images you use to do this the greater the force of energy you absorb and channel. Hope that made sense.”

It does and I am quite aware that I am just stepping in the door but it is a world of intensity and beauty. I often think how wonderful it would to be able to truly share this world with another yet also realize that if a choice of one over another had to be made that I have already made the choice.

“This is your integrity exposed. It is the honor you walk with. It is learning to be responsible and does not need to be a weight when you see it (responsibility) as the ability to respond appropriately to a given set of circumstances. It's just doing the right thing when it needs to be done.”

Responsibility may be the wrong word. I cannot be responsible for another’s choices but certainly feel the need to maintain control of what I am being shown until I fully understand its strength and intended use. Thanks for the help with all of this. I am on to yellow now.

Hello Earthwalker, “I know the DNA code is popular today and is being brought out by Greg Baden and others but I still need to read these materials thoroughly before I can jump to an acceptance of change in DNA.”

I wasn't talking about that, just the pattern it takes, though it stands to reason that the two would go hand in hand, I'm not familiar with that enough to comment there. Just FYI.

“I realize that [ego]. It just seems to me so questionable as to why another would want to control others. I feel sorry for those individuals since they are missing the beauty and uniqueness of others or their perspectives. How does one grow without openness and discussion (through both heart and mind).”

Well, sad as it is, some people can't get beyond their own egos. Control over others is misconstrued as Power and it corruptly feeds disjointed egos in a frenzy of control. Whether it is a person corrupted by their own selfish gain lacking in conscience, or a teen caught up in the sensationalized versions Hollywood portrays, or a person greedy for success and not caring who they push out of the way, there are countless paths to walk where misuse of the energy is rife. We see this daily in the acts of terror globally too. These individuals are choosing to learn their lessons the Hard Way...through the School of Hard Knocks. It does come back to us and usually in ways we least expect it. While many of us try our very best to walk our paths in love and reflecting our better qualities, there are just as many out there who could care less, they believe it's their free will and choice and there is nothing that will hold them accountable. Sadly the accounting begins taking place within them, they start to become hard, uncaring, selfish, greedy, angry, and as these and other

states of mind start showing they attract other negative conditions. Eventually they end up miserable and alone, not only because of the harm they have brought to others who no longer want to be anywhere near them, but to themselves and they find they are miserable, lonely, people who have no choice but to repent their ways or continue to suffer those consequences. Now one of their victims might be saying "Gee, how come this thing they did to me didn't happen to them? There was no payback." In reality it's like a dark cancer eating away at them from the inside out. Conscious of it or not, the process will grow and fester. Disease and illness, be they mental, emotional, physical, or a combination thereof, will play a part as a rule. So in essence it does end up calling for its own price to be paid. It would be so easy if we could help them see that choice matters so much here. I know I'd much rather be blessed for my actions than to suffer for them. You just can't force them to see that though. People see what they want to see and when it comes to themselves they can be very blind. All of us are to an extent, but for those who abuse their gifts and knowledge taking advantage of others that blindness seems to be a handy tool to shield with. It's a faulty shield though and it will crumble one day. Sometimes enlightenment comes through the School of Hard Knocks. I've seen some amazing transformations take place over the years. But we can't change these people. They have to want to change...again, it comes from within. The "within" is so vital to growth. We must go within to find our Inner Spirit and unite with it consciously. And we must go there to find Spirit's presence within us. In this way we know our own reality on a spiritual level, intangible to the rest of the world, but very tangible to us personally. This is how we project outward into the dimensional realms...through our spirit body. I haven't met anyone yet who could take that at face value and didn't try to re-write the truths to fit their belief systems. We all have to challenge our illusions. If we don't they become quite fantastic and the Great Awakening is quite a shock. When we choose to be blind Spirit takes over and teaches us to see one way or another. *Smile* When we choose to open our eyes and see for ourselves, that journey begins within us...in Sacred Space, in the Silence, in the state of prayer or meditation that opens the door to explore this realm and receive our validations...no matter what term you want to use to describe it, every path to Spirit has that as a launching pad.

“It does and I am quite aware that I am just stepping in the door but it is a world of intensity and beauty. I often think how wonderful it would to be able to truly share this world with another yet also realize that if a choice of one over another had to be made that I have already made the choice.”

Yes, and that's why people seek out spiritual communities in the physical sense as well as in cyber-space. We do have a need to share and as we share we grow through the insights we receive along the way. It's very nurturing to find other like-minded individuals. We're quite fortunate to be living in this day and age where it is becoming more acceptable. Years ago people were locked up in institutions for expressing their gifts and abilities. Labeled as deranged. *Sighs* Today it's different, the time has come where spirituality is manifesting in the light of truth and I'm glad to see it happen. It's helping us find our common ground more than our differences and that's fostering tolerance which is a good step in the direction of peace. It will take time, but I'd like to see it happen before I Drop my Robe! Meanwhile all we can do is take it one step at a time and contribute to the greater whole the best we can.

Jimmy WhiteBear:
Hello Earthwalker, Long time no see! I am one that seldom if ever speaks of sacred ceremony, especially on the net. Pipe ceremony, lodges, Sundance, etc; are very private and very personal ceremonies to each participant. But, I will say this about Sundance/spirituality because it is a very sacred, very spiritual ceremony that one commits to for a four year commitment.

Unless one has danced Sundance, one is an outsider looking in and analyzing what they see. Many have done this and even went as far as writing books on their interpretation of what they see and less on what they experienced.

I have not Danced-- YET!... Let’s start with the reason one would go to Sundance and commit to four years of dancing the Sacred Dance. Someone said "Sacrifice", it is what one has to do during the dance but is not the reason to go!...

We dance for vision, for personal connection with the earth and Creator.

We commit to dance for the healing of a person, a clan, tribe, nation etc.;...

We dance to become healers of the people, sacred keepers of the ancient knowledge.

We dance to add to our spirituality and without intent of bragging about who we are. It is a very humbling ceremony.

In the North where I go, we may have 100 people commit to Sundance and have maybe a third make it all the way through the commitment. Creator weeds out the ones who are there for the ego and the ones who have come to help the people heal are the ones who will make it through the eight days of Sundance.

Vision questing for direction, or fasting for four days to ask the spirits for permission to go and dance is done in the fall. In the spring, we vision quest again/Fast for four days to focus on the commitment to complete the 8-12 days of commitment at Sundance. Much goes into just the preparation of going to Sundance and then when we get there, it is day in and day out of lodges, dancing-- sacrifice of the body, the mind and the spirit. Sundance is a commitment to the Creator, the people and the tribes health and welfare. A commitment to be there for the ones that need help and healing and ready to do it when asked, not when convenient to self... The energy of the sacredness of this ceremony is something to be experienced, not described... Si Norhama, Bear

Bear, I just saw your post; thank you for your comments and sharing the intent, beauty and meaning of the Sun Dance. Quite frankly, its energy is very strong even when reading about it; albeit, I am certain that it is not the same as experiencing it. I really cannot imagine the intensity of the full duration of the ceremony. I suspect you will dance in the Sun Dance ceremony when the time it right for you. You are fortunate in your ability to walk amongst differing traditions; I hope you will continue to share what you can with us. I have always enjoyed your perspectives. It’s nice to see you here!

Bear, thank you for your post and the aspects you brought to be with. Thank you Cinn and Earthwalker for your insights and for sharing.

Just some thoughts I was pondering in regards to experience verses viewing / writing / reading and thought I might get others thoughts on the subject. I agree with the thoughts expressed above by Bear but also possibly have a slightly different perspective and / or some questions /concerns. I will address my comments using a completely different example since I am complete in agreement that the Sun Dance ceremony is Sacred and it in and of itself is not my question here.

While I agree that writing about what one sees is not in any means experiencing it; isn’t it better than nothing? What is the first step in learning, let alone helping in the assimilation between cultures or even individual styles of people? If I move this question to a completely unemotional situation and one that is not Sacred, I think it might be easier to discuss. Therein I present another example. If I found an abandoned canoe on a river what would I do?
I have at least three choices
(1) if I had a teacher I would seek advice and learn how to control the canoe in the river environment. I would be taught to experience it with all senses.
(2) if I had a book written by someone who had watched others manipulate the canoe I could read it and try to understand some control before trying to maneuver the canoe or
(3) I could jump into it and learn by experience, trial and error.
When looking at these options certainly ones are more efficient and safer than others yet I think all are valid alternatives that we each use in life. In regards to the spiritual path I am being pulled towards, I don’t have a physical teacher to learn from, other than the individuals on these boards. I therein came seeking answers and found compassion, openness and a willingness to share; not necessarily always perfection in a purist form of any one path but honesty, love and a freedom to explore and respect for the individuality of all. I also seek to learn from books and writings in an attempt to help understand that which is being experienced and the larger picture that I have not yet seen or experienced.

Reading about what others have seen or experienced helps me gather multiple views from which I can find commonalities (between opposing and even contradictory views) and therein find my truths. This does help me; albeit, it can lead to initial confusion. Occasionally, I have just jumped in and experienced things and learned through trial and error. Personally, pure trial and error are great stories after you survive but a little preparation upfront even if just reading is in all honesty much easier on me. Yet I am left needing to acknowledge that all are valid ways / styles of learning and am therefore left with unanswered questions? So what is missing when one tells of what is being observed? What has yielded individuals so unwilling to share? How do we overcome these historical problems in communication so that there can be more of a balance in today’s global world? Isn’t the main problem truly the lack of compassion and lack of respect which does not seem to be exhibited by the writer or between the writer and the experiencer rather than the style of transfer (learning)? Isn’t the real question how do we communicate between one another in compassion so that true experiences can be

I think when removed from our environment we all find ourselves in the same basic quandary. How do we find a vision /way / focus based in sacrifice, love and compassion for our commonality / community / global community while also expressing the beauty of our individuality / diversity? As we experience connection with Spirit (expansion to hold all in unity and likeness) and move back to self (exhibiting the beauty of the diversity of Spirit); in some small way, isn’t that balance part of the very energy found in nature and in ceremonies which connect to Spirit? Don’t we truly just need to expand / experience our basic nature and re-establish our oneness with Spirit (all that is)? Does the style really matter?

I've been expecting this to come up and want to respond so I'll share my views, they are not traditional and therein lies a great deal of my perspective for I am highly eclectic and well-exposed to different traditions. First let me say that ceremony (at least the kind we're talking about such as the Sun Dance) is, as a rule, part of a religious tradition. Traditionalists in the NA religions are very guarded. Note that they have suffered terribly at the hands of the government and white people when this country was settled and after as progress moved West. Their homes, culture, religion, and languages were stripped from them and hence they were forced to practice in an underground manner...in secret. Much was lost as many surrendered out of fear. What has survived is jealously guarded by those who remember or know the history of their people. I do not find fault with their reasons, but believe those ceremonies belong to them. Details are known, they are sketchy in many cases, quite generalized and this serves to protect them. I can't blame them for feeling this need. But we are in the present now and fears of what happened in the past, of what is coming into being, well they cloud judgement and they block change because of it. It's the inner sanctum of their faith and religion they guard. However times are changing and some are speaking out and sharing. It's very political, a hot spot to say the least and I do not intrude there. I do not teach the religion, nor the ceremonies, but I will discuss why they are conducted, some of what goes on but will not present protocols. I believe that religion is for the masses, it is far different from one's spirituality which is a one on one relationship with Spirit. That path is the one I teach.

I do not teach my own ceremonies and they are held sacred to me. I have not found anyone that I am ready to pass them on to yet. That's my choice, my decision, and they may die with me. Spirit will see that the ceremonies are passed on through Vision Quests, journey work, through our Guides and the Ancient Ones/Ancestors when we seek in the proper manner (through our hearts) to know these things…so what may die with one person is still passed on. Nothing is ever really lost to us. I believe that we are in a time of Change, global transition and the raising of conscious awareness in humanity. This is a time where borders and boundaries, still guarded by some and being broken by others, are coming down. The lines of division are fading and I believe they will continue to fade. However, information falling into the wrong hands has such huge potential for abuse and desecration that I fully understand the hesitancy in people to share that knowledge. It was the same with witchcraft during the Burning Times. But it found its way into the mainstream and today NA ways are doing the same thing. It just depends on what side of that fence you are standing on.

When we tell of what is being observed what it missing is the teaching behind it, the reasons it is taking place, the honoring that is being done. You're not going to go into the history of the religion to explain a ceremony. It's too much background. You must study the religion and understand the ceremony that way. So therein you have the scope of why people are afraid, they don't want their religion being bastardized. This is what yields individuals to be unwilling to share.

There are Sweat Lodge Ceremonies being sold to the public as if they were theatre seats for a grand old show. I do not approve of that myself. It is sacred to enter the Sweat Lodge, to enter without understanding it for the sake of the experience and not having proper intent is bastardizing it.

IMHO This and other actions like it are why there is such an uproar, or a good portion of that reasoning. The Dream Catcher, an item that so many hang on their walls or fashion in their own ways is an example of a sacred object. But what if one was to do that with some other religion's icons and sell them at the craft shows? They lose their sacredness. The tradition has been broken. A sacred chalice from a church altar is used for sacred rituals. You wouldn't take it and crack open a beer and drink from it with your friends, but the sacred horn of the Buffalo is no different. The tools of the religion are precious, they symbolize many things, and in the wrong hands they are desecrated. Would you or anyone you know allow that to happen to your sacred items? I know I wouldn't like it. But if someone came to me to learn about them I would teach them, if they asked and I saw right intent, and in my teaching they would come to know far more than the use of the Drum, Rattle, Prayer Staff, Feathers, etc. that are sacred to me. They would learn to smudge, to call upon the Seven Sacred Directions, to work properly with right intent and purify themselves so they are humble before Spirit and the Spirit Helpers. They would learn the right way to conduct themselves. That takes time and not everyone is willing to do that, they want the short cuts. I'm not insinuating anyone here is doing these things but they are and have been going on for a long, long time and there is reason for the outrage some feel. To them it's desecration through ignorance but it's still insulting their ways and their cultures. So it's a very delicate area.

How do we overcome this? How do we overcome any biased prejudices that exist? By being willing to do so, and it happens one person at a time. I lived through the race riots of the 60's, watched friends of both races suffer needlessly, watched my country rage in anger and prejudices flaming across this nation just as many of us today did. But in light of the progress made by those who did sacrifice for the greater whole, today many of those boundaries have fallen and they will fall here too...in time. Just know that those who fight against the sharing of ceremonies, etc. are trying to protect what is sacred and holy to them. None of us would attempt to conduct a high mass in a cathedral, we're not qualified for that, not trained, not ordained or sanctioned and therefore we are not worthy of that. These ceremonies are no different.

Oh yes, Earthwalker, I fully agree with you that the main issue/problem is the lack of compassion and respect, but there's much more to it and the NA's believe that they own this knowledge, the teachings, ceremonies, rites of passage, and wisdom of their people. They are not going to give them up easily and certainly they are not going to want to give them to anyone who will not guard them with as much sanctity as they do. It's just not done. Though there are some that are trying and there are movements nation wide that are trying to prevent this, it's certainly not a minor issue. Huge is more like it.

I am a Blood-Sister to the Cherokee/Mohawk, and I have studied the ways of many other tribal traditions. I respect them all and there are NA who attack me for being outspoken, I've had "war declared" on me by activist groups, and I find both conflict and support. Again, even they must choose which side of the fence they are on. This has been going on for decades, it's nothing new. But it's been done in such horribly abusive and deceitful ways that trust is just not there. It's very hard to gain, and if it is broken it stays broken unless one is willing to sacrifice to regain it and terms can be met. It's not an easy road to walk, but it's an honest one and I'm proud to walk it. I'm proud to share my knowledge. I am proud to serve Spirit, and at the same time it's a humble pride because I worked hard for what I know and I did what was asked of me to earn the right to hold that knowledge. When I share it I share it honorably.

I believe the issue can be sidestepped and this is going on now as the spirituality is being taught on a grand scale. Traditions vary some but basically they are the same. This is the key to the compassion, to the understanding, to the respect...it's the beginning of the sharing. As each person comes to their own spiritual awareness the religious issues become less important to them because they connect with their Guides, with Spirit Helpers and Guardians, with entities from other realms and they establish relationships with them, with Spirit, and with themselves.

These are the sources for the religious teachings that are laid out in ceremonial worship, sacrifice for others, and rituals of passage to be made humble and worthy to receive. They receive their own ceremonies just as I have, their own Sacred Songs, Dances, and gifts/tools. The knowledge is there, it continues to flow out to us. We need not be thieves about it, we need only ask properly to receive and Spirit will see we do. So a step at a time and it will be evolving in the years ahead. It's certainly not going to go away or happen overnight for that matter. It all takes time. So through spirituality and spiritual studies (rather than religious ones) we begin to find that compassion, the understandings, and we share with like-minded individuals passing on our insights and experiences. We come to see that spiritual insight has allowed us to complement our religious beliefs whatever they may be, it doesn't take away from them, and we don't have to convert anyone or be converted. We simply need to know Spirit and the rest comes to us as it was meant to. We teach orally, through the written word, through groups, in documentaries, in archeological discoveries, and in whatever way we can we are guided to help those who come to us and ask.

The problem with NA religions is that people who have asked and been told no don't listen. They start taking instead. This is the history with them, they have had treaty after treaty (promise after promise) broken. They've been poisoned, corrupted, and nearly lost everything of value and this is one last vestige of what remains. It's very sensitive. The balance to creating common ground, I believe, is through the spiritual teachings and the growing respect for them that is now spreading.

“As we experience connection with Spirit (expansion to hold all in unity and likeness) and move back to self (exhibiting the beauty of the diversity of Spirit); in some small way, isn’t that balance part of the very energy found in nature and in ceremonies which connect to Spirit?”

I'd say yes to that in a heartbeat. But again, that's not the religion, it's the spirituality bringing results. We see ourselves there on common ground and many paths leading to the center. The Medicine Wheel is the Wheel of Life, it is all of us, all knowledge, all ways, and all levels of it. But at the center is Spirit. We journey/Dance the Wheel in our own way through our spirituality (or lack of it) and we affect the Web of Life with each step we take. So in that light it's happening.

“Don’t we truly just need to expand / experience our basic nature and re-establish our oneness with Spirit (all that is)? Does the style really matter?”

On a personal level this is all we have to do. You are so right. And then as a whole we will bring about the changes needed because through that expansion and enlightenment we come to see that we are all equal, all a part of the whole. Then we've come to our common ground. Again I want to say this is my perspective based on my experiences and insights. Others are going to disagree with me and that's their right, but it is not (IMHO) their right to deny me my path or anyone else their path. Sticky stuff, eh?

Cinnamon and Jimmy, Thank you both for sharing your feelings on this subject. My intent in questioning was never to cause harm only to find understanding. While Cinnamon “feels” and Jimmy I suspect you do as well, part of my path seems to be to be shown things (by sight) which I then need to look up or search for the meaning of. I cannot say why I am being drawn so heavily towards the NA path or images, but I am; albeit it is mixed at times with others as well. I am sorry if others feel that the path shouldn’t be but I will continue to search. Spirit has pulled me on this path for a reason and someday I will understand. I clearly recognize that the holocausts in-acted by the US on the Native American population have never been readily admitted to and probably never will; but I cannot change the past, only the present and hopefully the future. Despite all of the atrocities committed, these Native American traditions in all of their beauty have survived. How can that fact go unrecognized and not be appreciated by even Native Americans. The world is evolving and the sharing or assimilations of these traditions are so important if all people are to come together. To me it is the strength and modeling of these undying traditions that will light the way towards the new ones that will be created. The depth of understanding in these traditions should not be lost due to fear. I am absolutely sure you are right that the walls have been built from rightful anger.

In addition,
I have no doubt that they will be broken down over time and that the timing will be right; but that acceptance doesn’t mean I have to like the walls. I don’t accept walls, I don’t accept bias and discrimination in either direction, and I don’t accept hate. I find them based in fear and simply think overcoming fear is one of the major journeys we take here on earth and that includes overcoming the fear exhibited by anger. I do accept recognition of a concern or a problem and the freedom to choose a path that maybe more selective or more inclusive of those paths. I also accept that the walls coming down won’t happen on my time course but I will still search. I will search for beauty and light and hopefully share some of that search so others can find their own way possibly with just a little bit of help.

I also need to note something somewhat unusual for me. Since this thread was restarted again, there has been this Native American guide (male) that keeps showing up and telling me to post about letting go of anger but I cannot understand anything further. I do not know what it is about or who it is for and have removed this sentence about three to four times and keep being told to put it in. So there in it is left in and the message is “the way is through and beyond anger”. I asked if this was for me and the answer was negative. He keeps aiming and shooting an arrow southeast. He and all about him was/is in white (possible a little blue but minimal decorational). In addition, he is not as diffuse as the Grandfather Spirit guide I usually work. The first night when this guide came into sight, the “fringe” hanging down from his shirt were of white feathers. His energy is intense / direct, to the point, but kind and honest. He is new to me so I don't fully understand him yet but maybe it will help identify him. Thank you both again for sharing your feelings, at least I have an understanding of what I can, cannot, should or shouldn't ask as I search respectfully in these unknown areas.

Earthwalker, You may find those restrictions elsewhere but not here at SL. I won't step on religious toes or get into ceremony but I will openly and honestly answer anything I can for you. That was my attempt here, certainly not to censure you. I shared only my personal perspective through teachings I've received and the experiences I've had. That does not mean I do not believe these teachings are to be shared. I certainly do. It's simply not something easily done or found. That's one of the reasons Spirit Lodge is here. To help people find their way. You are definitely being called to study these teachings and your guidance is prolific in that strength.

Stay with it, and don't hesitated to ask anything here. If it's possible we'll share what we can. Okay? Much of what you expressed is felt by many of us so you are not off base with your views. You have *not* caused harm either. I don't want you to feel sensitive about it, the topic can be at times sensitive at times but you do not need to feel inhibited in any way. Your intent is to understand for the higher good and that's what matters.

Jimmy WhiteBear:
Very nicely said Cinn, very nice thank you. Si norhama Bear

Cinnamon, Thank you for your support, clarification and further comments. I am sorry I didn’t get back to you right away; I have been somewhat distant for the past couple of weeks. These weeks have been extremely busy and I was dealing with other frustrations as well albeit I didn’t recognize the reasoning as such, until this morning. Actually I just felt it best to remain quiet since I was crabby and tired. I’ll post the experience separately under the Energies of the Standing People. As for giving up questioning, I doubt that I could.

Added 24/02/2016
Hi Cinn, I am sorry but I have to say something about the Sundance Discussion page. I have never actually Sundanced in the center of the Arbor, but have danced for 12 years (since 1991) as a supporter at the Pipestone Sundance on the outer arbor, next to the East gate. I was actually working on security there with AIM, stopping anyone crossing the East gate. I pledged to do 4 years, then added another 4 but actually did 12 years (In addition I also support danced at Sisseton Sundance in 2011, (for someone who was dancing in honor of my late husband) and at another one on the Cannonball Rez in ND back in the 90's when my adopted Dakota brother asked us (me, my ex and my son) to help there)

In all of those years I danced and prayed for the whole of the dance, every round I was there at the East gate. I remember the second year looking across the arbor and seeing Kris Kristofferson and Floyd Westerman dancing on the SW side, we nodded at each other and continued our dance! The first few years we, (my ex, my son and myself) travelled from New Jersey for the Sundance, we spent at least 4 days before the dance and at least 4 after it before setting off back to the east coast.

Then we moved to MN, a small place outside of Pipestone. We were used as a Moon lodge a few times when they didn't have one at the Sundance, and the laundry each year for sundancers who needed their clothes washed, some would come over and stay on their way home, and get back into a space where they could travel safely. It was a very spiritual time, a lovely time of my life. When my ex and I split up I still continued going to Sundance, and the Little Feather Center became their 'Comfort station', their families would come and use the showers and have warm food, they used the Center as their own home from home, and one year when a bad storm came through they came over for safety, as all were in tents. The Sundancers had to stay and deal with it as best they could in their tipis.

Anyway during all of those years I got to hear a lot of people talking and also experienced the Dance myself, and the one thing that I have to say is that Sundance is Spirit in action. Sundancers don't think about what they are doing, or why they are doing it, or what part of the Arbor they are dancing in. They look at the sky, and pray the entire time they are dancing. There is no thought in it, they drift off into a space where they speak to Spirit, or see things in the clouds. If they speak about any of the visions or feelings they get during the dance they only tell the Intercessor and he works it through with them.

The Sundance is very private, very sacred and private experiences are never spoken about.

The way that post went was much too contrived, is that the right word? Thought out, and the person was being too logical, Sundance is not logical.

A story:
At sundance at least one round is for healing, when people go to the Tree and pray, while they do that the Intercessor pats them with his Eagle fan, praying that they will get well if that is the right thing to happen. You are then left holding the tree until you feel able to walk back to your place. It is a very powerful ceremony. Well this one year a child with cancer asked for help, and he went through that procedure, however the Intercessor asked all of those there to pray for him as well. So when the next round started we all started praying.

That day I was holding a special medicine stick in a leather box that Running Elk had made, it had it's own power, (that's another story) my Pipe that I had loaded as usual prior to the day's ceremonies was in the same box. I put it on the ground in the actual arbor in front of me, so I could feel the energies coming from it, and started to dance. As I danced I prayed, I closed my eyes and danced to the drum, I prayed for the young child, I pleaded with the Creator to heal him, I was so into the praying and the drum I went to a different space, I put everything I had into that dance and prayer. The world went away.

When the drum stopped I came back and gradually opened my eyes only to see everyone either looking at me or at the tree. During the dance a huge wind came up, and played around the tree, it moved the tree, and the closest Sundancers quickly moved to hold it up. They had all felt and seen the wind and the rain that came down with it. They held the tree up leaning on it and holding it about 6 of them did it. Had they let that tree loose it would have fallen on me, me who was dancing with my eyes closed in a trance praying. No-one wanted to disturb me and so they held that tree, praying with me, as they knew what I was doing. (most knew me through the years and also knew I did things in the right way). The people around the arbor watched all of this happening, and joined in too, but continued watching both me and/or the Sundancer's holding up the tree. The Sundancers who were not holding the tree continued with the dance, praying themselves until they reached the South gate where the round ends.

At that point I came out of it and saw the tree being held in the center of the arbor. By this time the Pipes were being taken around for people to smoke and a number of people brought the Pipe they were holding all the way round to the East gate to me to smoke. I still didn't know what had happened at that point and couldn't make out why they were bringing the Pipes to me. While the Pipes are out no-one can go into the arbor, but as soon as they had been smoked and passed back and the dancers had gone in to rest, men rushed in to take control of the tree and to let the Sundancers have a break from holding it up. At that point people came and told me what had happened, I was astonished.

Those dancing closest to me said it was as if an energy was coming from the box at my feet, that was protecting me, No-one knew what was going to happen, but those Sundancers quickly moved to make sure I was safe. It probably wouldn't have hit me, it would have hit the arbor above me, but no one was taking any chances because they could see that I was in a place that wasn't there, but somewhere else. It could have killed me bringing me back in a shocking way.

I don't know if that boy was healed I would like to think with such powerful prayers by so many people he was.

BTW the rain and wind didn't touch me, I was perfectly dry while others were soaked from the rain!

That was the second time I missed being hit by a sundance tree. The first year when noone knew how to put the tree up, people were pulling on the ropes, they continued pulling and the tree came up bumped into the hole that had been made for it but they continued pulling so it came out and fell, I saw what was happening and ran, people told me afterwards that all they could see of me was my mocs hightailing it away from the tree, I made it, it didn't hit me or anyone else either. The tree (Creator) stopped trying to kill me after that prayer year! I guess it understood I was there for the right reason. It accepted me as the People did.

Many sundancers are walking the red road to sobriety via the Sundance path, they have special sweats especially for sobriety. I remember another amazing evening when the sweat was being done, a Warrior's sweat. I stayed by the fire and prayed along with a number of women, and in the lodge the men were crying out and banging on the ground almost as if it was moving we felt it by the fire. I looked up and saw the Northern Lights were there, I had never seen them before so I was enthralled by them, and watched when suddenly a shooting star came through the lights, those of us who saw it went 'ahhhhh' under our breath but in unison. The ground was shaking, the men were crying and the sky was working above them. Magical!

As I said Sundance isn't logical, questions cannot be answered about it, answers must be found by experiencing it. It is a sacred space, powerful, and spiritual. and that is why Natives don't want it spoken about.

These were just a couple of my Sundance experiences. All seen by others so it isn't something that can't be spoken of. But everyone has their own experiences, and they have to be experienced by themselves.

I hope you don't mind me telling you this. Sundance is something special to me, I learned more during those Sundance years than I ever did anywhere else.

Hugs xx

No need to apologize for speaking up. I am honored you’ve shared your experience with me, my friend. I’m not a Sun Dancer, nor have I attended one so I can’t address the ceremonial protocols. I do know a Sun Dancer and she has shared some insights with me based on her experiences. The discussion in question was initially between Earthwalker and myself. At that time she was very new to indigenous teachings and very curious about proper honoring of them and understanding the details.

I recognize what you’ve shared about it being so individual, it’s like a Vision Quest in that sense, each one is unique even if certain events are consistent, what is revealed or experienced is ironically individual and very personal. So I appreciate all that you’ve shared. (Awesome experiences to say the least!) If you care to add your words to that article for clarification please do. I’d be very honored to have you do so. I would appreciate it, if you are willing, if you would make a statement or copy/paste your words here into that article. Let me know if you are willing to do so, and if so, please feel free to add as you see fit. The more truthful insight that can be shared the better.


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