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Trees R - Z
By CinnamonMoon

Redwood/Sequoia Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews

Keynote: Ancient protection and balance; pursue new visions. The sequoia family of trees is home to some of the largest and oldest spirits upon the planet. This is reflected in throughout the family of redwoods. They are conifers of great size and age. The General Grant tree is more than 270 feet high and the Boole tree is 25 feet in diameter at a point about 15 feet up from the ground. They live in higher altitudes and the sequoias only grow in groves. These groves serve as a council of spirit, and there is a gentle but powerful sacredness to the groves. One cannot enter them without a stirring of our own sense of the sacred. They have tremendous resistance to decay and even to fire. The sap of the sequoia contains tannic acid, which has a great healing capacity for the trees, as the tannin does for humans. This enables them to live longer, but because they are so long lived, they do not produce as many cones as other conifers. There is not that need to reproduce so extravagantly.

Redwoods are practically immune to termites and other pests. Their energy immediately helps put our own life pests into perspective. They strengthen and heal the aura so that we are less affected by the buzzing of the daily pests we encounter. They remind us to look at the bigger picture. Redwoods live an extremely long time - 1500 or more years. They are ancient and they are direct descendants from the time of evolution known as Lemuria. Alignment with their essence can open one to understanding the evolutionary cycle of humanity. The redwood spirit helps the individual to put his or her life into an entirely new perspective. Its essence awakens a clear insight into our own personal vision of life and what must be done to follow through upon it.

Being around the redwoods stimulates great spiritual vision-- especially of the etheric realms. And even after short visits, the psychic amplification continues on, for even months afterwards. It activates the brow and crown chakras, although if not properly balanced, it will manifest as unbalanced imagination and even superstition. It awakens within the aura a vitality that is simultaneously soothing and stimulating. It awakens extended growth periods that will touch strongly upon soul levels. The redwoods are ancient spirits who try to help us gain perspective about our life. Do we need to step back and take a new look at what we are doing? Is it time for us to pursue our true visions? Redwoods remind us that there is always enough time. Great changes and great growth occurs just a little at a time.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Redwood forest stands for inner strength; fortitude.

Rowan Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews
Keynote: Develop control; time for discrimination and discernment. Rowan trees have smooth bark and twigs that have ring-like scars on them. The leaves are alternate and they produce beautiful berries. The rowan comes to full flower in the early summer, but in the fall, the leaves turn a brilliant yellow and the apple-like berries are a rich vibrant red. It is in the fall that the energy is the strongest. For those to whom the rowan comes as a messenger or totem, the fall season will be one of importance, and its significance should be thoroughly explored. Rowan berries are rich in vitamin A and C and were probably a common staple of people past. They've been used in jams and in herbal concoctions as a laxative. The Welsh once used them in the process of making ale, and the Native Americans made their own drinks from the dried berries as well. Its berries always draw cedar wax wings and other birds that enjoy berries. As an ornamentals plant for the yard, it is wonderful to have you are an avid birdwatcher because it will bring them in.

The rowan spirit will help you control of the senses- physical and otherwise. Its energy is strong and protective. It is often a reminder that we must maintain control of our emotions and situations for our own well-being and protection. It can be called on as powerful force against intrusion by outside energies (including spells and enchantment). Carrying a piece of the rowan upon you throughout the day is strengthening to the aura, and it prevents intrusive energies from those we encounter throughout the day. Because the aura is partly an electromagnetic field, contact with others throughout the day results in an accumulation of energy "debris." rowan reminds us that we are likely being affected by these extraneous energies. It thus helps us as a protective and cleansing spirit.

The rowan has had a number of mystical and magical uses. The berries have a small pentagram at the point where they connect to the stalk. Its essence can also help open one ot understand the significance and practical application of the Norse Runes. Its branches are powerfully effective as dowsing rods. They are sensitive to the element of water. Staffs made from the rowan protect a person while traveling. It can also be a connection to the Faerie Realm, as more than one legend speaks of it as a gift of the Faerie folk. The rowan alerts us to the need for developing discrimination, especially in balancing common sense with superstition. This is the tree of protection and vision. Its energies invoke all goddesses and assist the individual in learning to call up magic spirits, guides and elementals. Its energies enhance the individual's creativity.

*The Master Book of Herbalism/Paul Beyerl
This lovely tree, known in the United States as the European Mountain Ash, is both an Herbe of Protection and a Visionary Herbe. It may be used ritually to invoke the Goddess and ask Her for help, direction, and bounty. The leaves are commonly used, but the berries may be gathered, dried, and when ground, added to the incense. Rowan has been used to call up magickal spirits, familiars, spirit guides, elementals and the like, but it also has the ability to banish any type of energy undesired by the practitioner. For the poet, Rowan is a sure herbe to enhance creativity and set the creative process flowing. Rowan has also been used to divine future loves and mates. A familiar tree in the lore of Scotland, it is said that once there were nearly no homes without the tree growing nearby, for it brought protection against evil energies and bad times. A Scot saying is: "O Rowan tree, O Rowan tree, thou'll aye be dear to me." Taking two small twigs of Rowan, equal in length, and bound into a cross with red twine is a sure means of keeping negative magicians and those who work evil away from one's life. A ritual beverage was once brewed of the berries by the Welsh, although the recipe was lost in the passing of time. This would be an excellent goal for the practitioner.

*Magical Herbalism/Scott Cunningham
Folk names: Mountain Ash, Witchwood, Quickbane, Wild Ash, Witchen, Witchbane, Wicken Tree, Wiky, Wiggy, Roynetree, Whitty, Wiggin Ran Tree, Roden-Quicken-Royan, Sorb Apple, roden-Quicken, Delight of the eye. Basic powers: protection, healing. Specific uses: Tie two twigs of rowan together with red thread for a good all-purpose charm. Use the rowan branches in divining water, as is often doen with hazel wood. It is an excellent protection against lightning. It is sometimes used to make magic wands. Carry the wood with you as a good luck amulet. A necklace of the berries is very healing.

Spruce Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews

Keynote: Understanding; attend to your dreams; trust intuition. There are many varieties of spruce trees. They are evergreens, which are extremely aromatic. They love human contact. When my wife and I purchased our first home, we had a blue spruce tree in the front yard. It blocked a good part of the house. It was tall, broad and it looked dead. There was little coor to its needles, and we assumed that it would need to be removed. Within the first month, the color began returning to the tree. Within three months, it was completely healthy and vibrant. The house had been empty for a long time, prior to our purchase of it and the spruce was depressed and lonely. That spruce was one of the most protective and beautiful spirits I ever encountered. When we moved, leaving it behind was the most difficult part of all. Before we sold the house though, we ensured the new owners would not cut it down. Spruce comes from a Russian word meaning "fine, smart." As a link to the archetypal energies of Nature, the spruce is powerfully effective in awakening realizations as to how best to detoxify one's system and to balance one's energies on all levels. Spruce reminds us that we may not understand what we think we do. This can apply to any aspect of our life, but often it applies to health. The spruce spirit is wonderful at awakening understanding of disease/illness causes. Spruce always stimulates dreams and its appearance is a reminder to attend to them, for they are providing guidance and greater focus. It can even assist us in developing lucid dreams that lead to conscious out-of-body experiences. Spruce is a gentle messenger and friend. It amplifies healing on all levels, and it is calming to the emotions. It is a gentle awakener of the dynamic feminine intuition. It is an excellent tree staff to work with for any disorientation or lack of direction.

Sycamore Tree *Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews
Keynote: Nourishment and beauty abound; new life and new gifts. The sycamore has thin, grayish white bark and large leaves. It is found in low lying areas, near streams or where water flows or gathers. It likes to soak its feet in the water, and for those to whom the sycamore comes as a messenger, exploring foot reflexology and foot baths can be a tremendous health benefit. Its name actually means "fig" and it is often called the ghost tree. It is one of the tallest of the deciduous trees and its whitish bark stands out strong in the woods - especially at night when the moonlight is strong. Its thin twigs and branches look like arms outstretched, especially when they are bare of leaves. The sycamore was the sacred tree of the Egyptians. A sycamore staff can be used to draw the energies of Hathor into one's life and individual energy field. The sycamore is a noble tree and its appearance is often a sign that there is nourishment about. Sycamore energies help prevent atrophy of higher abilities the individual has brought into this lifetime. It is a reminder to build on old gifts and to express them in new ways. The staff can open communication between the conscious and subconscious minds when used in meditation and
magical practices. It strengthens the life force of the individual and opens the opportunities to receive "intuitive and spiritual gifts" from the universe. The sycamore is also a sign that gifts, which are more mundane, are on the horizon. These gifts may come in the form of assistance, compliments, etc. It is important to receive them graciously, for if we do not receive the little things, the universe will not bring us the big things. It holds the knowledge of the laws of abundance and how to utilize them to your greatest benefit. It also has the knowledge of hidden treasures of the Earth. The sycamore awakens the feminine energies of intuition, beauty and nourishment around us. It can open us to the energies of love and Nature and all their magnificent aspects. The sycamore will augment all connections to Nature, and its appearance in our life encourages us to draw upon the realm of Nature for health, abundance and inspiration.

Walnut Tree *Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews
Keynote: Power for transitions: hidden wisdom. Walnut is one of those trees with strongly aromatic leaves, bark and fruit. There are varieties of walnut trees, each with their own unique characteristics. The butternut variety has a fruit that is a true dye. It will stain the fingers and cannot be washed off. Black walnut wood has been a staple of furniture makers. At one time, black walnut trees were so plentiful that they were even used for snake-rail fences. In some cases, the wood actually changes color when viewed and lighted from different angles. This hints at walnuts secret life and power. The autumn equinox was a time for the ritual gathering of nuts--especially the walnut. It was an act that was as magical as it was mundane. It provided food throughout the winter and spring, but the gathering of nuts was a way of using the equinox energy to awaken abundance, prosperity and wisdom over the next year. Carrying the nut was a way of awakening fertility. The walnut has had many uses throughout its history. Its shell made excellent dyes. The nuts were turned into flour and added to cakes. Tea made from its leaves was good for stomach indigestion and other digestive imbalances. Native Americans used the oil in a variety of its ceremonies and celebrations. On the other hand, folklore teaches that eating the walnuts helped to cure and prevent madness.

Walnuts activate hidden wisdom within our own life circumstances. Its appearance lets us to pay attention. We will begin to hear and see things that have been going on around us but had not noticed before. Walnut helps us make transitions of all kinds. This is reflected in its protective shell. We are less sensitive to the changes occurring. Its energies are often catalytic in the manner in which changes will manifest. The walnut reminds us that - if allowed to play out - all changes will be of benefit. The walnut cleans and strengthens auric field so we can see clearly what needs to be changed and how to accomplish it from the clearest perspective possible. Walnut holds the power of rebirth and when it becomes a totem or messenger, the esoteric aspects of death and rebirth become predominant for at least a year in our life. A staff or wand of walnut in meditation and magical practices reveals apply these mysteries constructively within our life. The walnut spirit awakens freedom of spirit, telling us it is time to break free of the cocoon. It will even herald the coming of opportunities to follow our own unique path in life. Whether we follow through on such opportunities is a free will decision, but walnut's appearance in our life is often strong encouragement to do so. Walnut is a tree of initiating and initiation. The key is to be true to one's self when aligning with these energies. Self-deception and delusion result in chaotic disruption instead of creative transition.

*Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions/Zolar
Tradition holds that a walnut tree will serve as a refuge for witches during their sabbath. Sleeping under a walnut tree will cause you to see in your dreams events of the coming year. You should take care, however, for according to some traditions, you may not wake up! A curious tradition says that whipping a walnut tree will improve the quality of the fruit it bears. The ancient Greeks and Romans said that eating stewed walnuts would increase one's fertility. In Romania, however, brides who did not wish to conceive were advised to place a roasted walnut into their bodice -- one for each year they did not wish to have children. After the wedding ceremony, they should bury the walnuts. One legend maintains that, if a walnut is placed under a witch's chair, she will become rooted to the spot. Walnut branches are also believed to protect against lightning. In American folklore, walnuts are held to cure sore throats and to thicken one's hair. some American Indian tribes use the bark of walnuts, especially the black walnut, as strong laxatives.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Walnut refers to a utilitarian life element.

*Magical Herbalism/Scott Cunningham
Folk names: Tree of Evil, English Walnut, Persian Walnut, Caucasian Walnut. Basic Powers: Fertility, Healing. Specific Uses: Carry the nut in its shell to promote fertility, to strengthen the heart, or to ward off rheumatism. Witches used to dance beneath walnut trees in their rites, although this has fallen into disuse. Because of the Witches' activities under the walnut trees, folk people began viewing them with suspicion, hence its old folk name, "Tree of Evil." To find out if a person is a Witch drop a walnut on the lap of the suspected party. If he or she is a Witch they will be unable to rise from the chair. This was one of the methods of testing Witches during the Persecution. Eat walnuts to cure madness.

© Jan Harper-Whale 2000

Willow Tree

Pussy Willow
From: http://www.mysticfamiliar.com/library/treelore/willow.html :
In Ireland the Pussy Willow is known as one of “the seven noble trees of the land” and was honored for its multi uses from
basket weaving to thatching spars and wattles including many others. The Willow is a Queen of Trees and brings many Spiritual and Magical properties to those that use it.

Willow Tree *Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews
Keynote: Be flexible and look for connections; trust inner visions. Willows are fast growing trees with a bitter and astringent bark. All varieties have limber twigs and branches. There are a number of varieties, some which fall into the tree category and others into the shrub category. The black willow is one of the largest in the world. The weeping willow is a favorite among many people for its beauty and it has inspired many a poet. The Pussy Willow is also one of the favorites in the willow family. A powerful plant, Pussy Willow has an essence that can help us in divination and reading signs. In fact, it is good for almost any form of divination. It is tied to the archetypal energies of the future. It reminds us that there are promises yet to be fulfilled. It renews and revitalizes, awakening the inner fires of hope and inspiration for that is yet to come. All willows grow best in moist areas, and they are often found along ponds, streams, marshes and wetlands. These habitats should be studied as well for anyone to whom the willow appears as a messenger. Willows are water loving, and water is an archetypal symbol of the feminine energies of birth, creativity, intuition and the moon.

Willow is a magical and healing tree. Its name literally means "convolution," and there is a convolution of energies associated with it. It stimulates an energy of healing on many levels, especially though in the areas of herbology and aromatherapy. And its meanings to us are often multidimensional. There is rarely a single message from willow. It is always multiple and many layered. Willow awakens flexibility and encourages many avenues of exploration when it appears as a messenger. It alerts us to powerful opportunities for communication, and it has ties to all deities of other worlds and other traditions. The willow tree is associated with the goddess Brigid of Celtic mythology, and Willow's spirit can help us invoke and align with those energies. It is also linked to Orpheus who brought to Greece the teachings of music and Nature and magic. Willows also awaken clairaudience - hearing of spirit. In Europe are tales of travelers being frightened at night while walking through the woods. They made claims of willow tree spirits following behind them, muttering in their ears. When the gift of clairaudience first begins to awaken, the sounds are like a soft muttering.

Willow makes one of the very best dowsing tools. This is partly due to willow's strong connection to water. Just carrying a piece of willow in your pocket can make you more sensitive. When you are near a water source, you will feel that piece of willow. For some people it vibrates. For others, it gets warm or cool, but there is always a response from it around water. Wands made from it are powerfully effective for wish-making and all water magic. When properly worked with in meditation and magic, willow wands and staffs help us realize the very intimate link between our thoughts and external events in our life. Willow alerts us to new opportunities to learn and explore. It encourages a flexibility of thought, and its energies. Willow is associated with an awakening of the feminine energies, of going into the darkness of the womb and activating greater expression of them. Its spirit opens "night" vision, or vision of that which has always been hidden or obscured. It reminds us to use the rhythms of the Moon to look for dream messages of importance. Willow always stimulates great dream activity. And her message always involves learning to trust our inner visions.

*The Master Book of Herbalism/Paul Beyerl
Among the Chinese, the Willow is an Herbe of Immortality, for even the smallest piece of a branch is capable of bringing forth another tree. It is said the Hebrew peoples, as they wandered through Babylon, came to the Willow and hung their harps upon them, and wept to return to their homeland. The Druids used the pussy willow, and thought it appropriate for charms and protection. There are many who think a pussy willow makes an excellent magickal wand, and others who take their tool from the mightier tree. Anciently, it was the Willow which was site of the birth of Hera, a most honored Goddess. It is said that Orpheus turned to the Willow when passing through the underworld to receive the virtue of eloquence. The Willow is today a patron herbe of those involved in communication. Willow is sacred to Hecate, Hermes, and all deities of the Otherworlds, and may be used as a Funereal Herbe. For safe passage into another life, one must plant a Willow during their lifetime so that it will still be alive at their death. Willow is the herbe to work with rock crystal, to charge the stone and give it protective healing virtues.

*The Language of Dreams/Patricia Telesco
Symbolic of flexibility and tolerance because of its supple branches. Wishes and magic. An ancient willow want, topped in a star, and carried by the Greek goddess Helice was a cosmic emblem connected strongly with the moon, divination, and the Mystery traditions. Pain's abate. Herbally, willow bark is a substitute for aspirin. The weeping willow represents personal mourning or sadness. Remember the lessons of the willow, however, that also shows us how to bend without breaking. Do not let grief break your spirit.

*Magical Herbalism/Scott Cunningham
Folk Names: Tree of Enchantment, Witches' Asprin, White Willow, Withe, Withy, Salicyn Willow, Osier, Sough Tree, Asille. Associated Deities: Artemis, Ceres, Hecate, Persephone, Circe, Hera, Mercury, Belili, Belinus. Basic Powers: Healing, wishes. Specific uses: A wand made of willow is used in healing rituals. The willow is used as the binding on the Witch's Broom. Called "Tree of Enchantment" in the language of the Witches, it is most often used to bring the blessings of the Moon into one's life. Plant a willow in the garden, preferably by a natural spring or river. It will guard your home admirably. The binding of the Witches' Broom is often made of soft, pliant willow branches. Bear a sprig of this plant and you will be free from the fear of death. Tie a knot in a willow branch to serve as a physical representation of your Intent for a spell. When the wish has been granted, untie the knot and then use it again for a new spell.

*The Secret Language of Signs/Denise Linn
Willow trees are extraordinarily graceful and fluid. Are you able to bend and move with the circumstances of your life? Learn to be more flexible. The willow is often a sign of grieving or sadness because of its name, "weeping willow," called htus because of its long, hanging branches, which to some people appear as though they are drooping with sadness.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Willow pertains to tenacity.

*Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions/Zolar
Willows are held symbolic of melancholy and forsaken love. Once popular was the custom of wearing a willow garland when one had been jilted. Pausanias, the Greek historian (second century A.D.), writes of a grove sacred to Persephone, where willows and poplars grew. Orpheus, in the underworld, is also described as holding a willow branch. On Circe's island, there was said to be a grove of willows from which corpses hung. Willows are often planted in cemeteries to suggest immortality, and in China, coffins were once covered with willow boughs. In Ireland, the so-called Pussy Willow was held one of the seven noble trees of the land and was believed effective against magical charms. Tradition holds it unlucky to take the catkins or pussies indoors. Yet others hold it good luck, if they are brought into the house on May Day. In northern England, an unmarried girl was advised to take a willow wand in her left hand, leave her house secretly, and run three times around it saying: "He that's to be my good man, come and grip the end of it." On the third time around her house, she would perceive a likeness of her future husband, who would come and grasp the end of the wand. In folklore, the willow was reputed to be a cure for rheumatism, since it often grew in wet places, and whoever carries a piece of willow bark is held to be protected from suffering. The willow tree is also thought to gossip. No one should reveal a secret in front of it, or they will soon hear it repeated by the wind. In the Far East, tradition holds that, should a girl sleep in the shade of a willow tree, she will find herself pregnant. A Russian belief holds that whoever plants a willow tree digs his own grave. Last, in the Victorian language of flowers, the weeping willow was symbolic of mourning. The water willow, however was said to represent freedom.

Wisteria Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews
Keynote: Time for clarity; illumination and new learning at hand. This exotic plant is very powerful, with dynamic ties to archetypal energies. In pagan traditions, it has been a popular name taken by those who are students and scholars. Just aligning with its name helps manifest greater opportunities to learn, especially to learn that which is not normally accessible. It awakens inspiration in the life of the individual, and in fact, it has been known as the "poet's ecstasy". Occultists and healers have used its fragrance to draw good vibrations. This tree's flower activates the heart and throat chakras. It awakens a realization of the good that is already present within one's life; it clears the fog within the aura. It stimulates creative expression and the "power of the word". It is a rare spiritual influence that can be a passport to higher consciousness. It opens the doors between the realm of humanity and the realm of the Divine. It assists us in contacting other planes of life and higher forms of illumination.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Wisteria reflects spiritual beauty and grace.

*Magical Herbalism/Scott Cunningham
Wisteria- The door between the world of men and the realms of the Gods, the passport to higher consciousness. Wisteria is used to contact other planes of consciousness and existence, and to bring illumination. Wear only when in complete serenity.

*The Master Book of Herbalism/Paul Beyerl
This is an herbe of all students, scholars, and those pursuing intellectual development. It will
stimulate the brain, aid in keeping thought organized, and will aid in helping achieve educational goals. The oil may be used, or the flowers made into a tea.

Yew Tree
*Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions/Zolar
Tradition holds that anyone who dares pull a branch from a yew tree will die within the next twelve months. Yews are said symbolic of immortality and, therefore, were often used in the construction of churches for their ability to resist rotting. Since yews were often planted in churchyards and were associated with the dead, it is generally held unlucky to bring their branches indoors. Curious is the tradition that one falling asleep under a yew is likely to awake without a memory.

*The Language of Dreams/Patricia Telesco:
Norse mythology portrays the yew as Yggdrasil, or the World Tree. As such, this is a great symbol of security and firm roots. Folkloric: Protection, specifically against magic meant to charm or beguile. For someone who has been sick, this is a good omen. It foretells long life. Celtic: A hunt or search. This was a favored wood for bows because of its flexible strength. What are you hunting? Among the Druids, yew wood was used to foretell the future. If you accept this interpretation, look at the rest of the images in the dream as potentially prophetic in context.

The "Taxus baccuta" known as the Yew…My Grandmother planted four of them in front of her house and now they're huge trees (I've always called them "bushes" though). My Grandmother always told us as children that the purdyful berries are poisonous, but we had lots of fun splatting them on each others’ faces. I read that the leaves of the Yew are now used to produce a drug that stops cancer cell mutation permanently, called taxol. I understand that they're considered sacred trees and wondered why they are labeled as such ~ I mean, aren't all Standing People sacred? I also read that Yew was also employed as a poison, used for assassination, suicide, as an arrow poison, and cedar rose even let me know that . . . “Robin Hood used a bow of Yew to win the Maid Marion, to whom he was betrothed under the branches of a Yew. At his death, he was buried beneath a Yew." I've also read that Yew were planted in graveyards as a form of protection from malevolent spirits and that its needles (I call them 'leaves') are used in rituals to communicate with the dead. I often chew on the needles ('leaves') like a snack. According to some information I read, the dried leaves are more toxic than young fresh leaves So... I guess prolly shouldn't continue to munch on them, eh? Well, there's a book I just may order called "The Yew Tree."

Dragonfly Dezignz:
Yew trees are said to be in Churchyards because they are thought to Reincarnate. A yew tree continues growing through new roots inside the hollow of the tree, and although it may look dead, it isn't.


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