



Page 11 - Part 2

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Dream Sharing & Re-entry Tracking - Part 2

Earthwalker, Yes, and I think it was a good experience for you on many levels too. It's always fascinating to see the common threads in Circle work, be it a healing circle, a prayer circle, woman's circle, drumming circle, you name it, the energy weaves together and the group becomes a whole on different levels. Sometimes, when you get used to working in this format you can actually see the weaving energies as people partake. It's nice to watch that too. I think for an introductory course that it was done well and in a manner that was tasteful no matter what tradition people come from.

Cinnamon, Just a thought for the future, maybe. Could you possibly take us deeper into these areas. Where I didn't relate to Robert was in the orientation. While he works with a Native American guide Island Woman which is what drew me to his workshop his focus was more on the gods and goddesses etc. In addition his way is different somehow rougher (possibly men’s verse woman’s medicine or just the lack of the bringing out to a mixed group the sacredness of these pathways, I am not sure). I think I was looking more for the Native American perspective in soul retrieval and dream tracking etc. then what was presented. Is there a way the more advances aspects could be taught at SL? Is there anyone that can teach these techniques.

I realize you have all of the time in the world for this. But it is all very interesting albeit I acknowledge that our guides are the ones who do most of the teaching. Still it would be nice to have more interaction and ways of practicing. Personally, I would also like a perspective that was more along the earth based perspectives. I have enough trouble with the symbolism here with out getting into all of the symbolism of all cultures. But that is a personal perspective only.

Note this is just a thought. I am not sure how much interest there would be in learning these techniques or how much time you have right now. I really do realize that you are very busy. If not are there any others that you could recommend that coarse good teachers of these techniques, that teach at least occasionally in the Northeast.

Guten Morgen! I Wonder what would happen for a person that would like to be in that situation but is held back because of shyness of revealing the dream? I would love to hear the ways of other Dream Sharing and Dream Interpreting Cinnamon Moon! For dreams have always interested me since I was a child. Most people like my father when I grew up said dreams were nothing, that they were only a play land where your brain could go to rest, and it conjures up images of things in ridiculous situations. I thought that was true, until one night I saw a strange man in my dreams, and I didn’t know who he was, and when I woke up, the next day, it seemed that he turned out to be the grandfather of my friend. One of whom I’ve never met. I saw a picture of him, and that confirmed that he was the guy in my dreams, it was weird, he died about 2 days before and my friend said he had to go to Oklahoma for the Funeral. So I always thought that dreams were something more since then. One thing that’s cool to me, is that I’ve been doing this spiritual stuff for about over 2 years now, and I didn’t have any help from any one, just random books here and there. My path has been kind of strange and awry, off the beaten path. And it’s so great this forum, because surprisingly, this is most of what the stuff I’ve been thinking of, and I didn’t really think much of it until I found this board. I’m so happy I found this board!

But one thing, I would like to share a dream that freaked the hell out of me yesterday. It wasn’t last night’s dream, but the night before dream….if that makes sense. The only thing I remember about it is that there was this scene where I got up to go to take a shower, because I thought that I had awoken already, and then for some reason my head itches, so I go look in the mirror and for some reason its magnified to where I can see the hair follicles in my scalp, and I see these morbid bloody holes that look like they’ve been drilled into my head, and then a sealed, locked, skinny tube slowly rises out of one of them. I start freaking out and my heart beat is like a rabbit now because I think that I’m awake. And then three other tubes pop out of my head, another out of my scalp and the two other ones out of my ears. I try to pull the one out of my ear out, but it hurts so bad when I touch it, and I scream, and that bubbly feeling happens you know, when you get swimmers ear from being in the water too long? And then I notice that three of the tubes have keys in them, but one of the tubes was open, and it was empty. That was the one I had pulled on. And the one on the right side of my head had a key to get to the key, and the other two were concealed tubes. Then I woke up because my alarm went off. I was scared shitless (excuse my language) and I kept feeling the top of my head. I kept thinking that maybe that means that I’ve unlocked only one vital part of me, and there are still discoveries locked in my head that I have to get out. I dunno. But the weirder thing, is that I have a very screwed up love life, and I’m awkward about approaching the people I love…one person I love in particular (I often have dreams about me and her in a past life). And the spirits know that I’m scared of talking to her and things like that. So I roll over, and my back hurts, and the way I twist my head to react to the pain, I notice that I’m sitting on a note…. It’s the note that /she/ gave me, the one that I made her translate because she speaks Latin. (It said “If I only had 30 seconds to live, this is how I would want to spend them, looking into your eyes”) and I just about cried…. Because I have to gather up strength every day to even talk to her. And then of course, I’m depressed by the end of the school day, and in my 7th period, my friend notices and draws me a picture (he’s a really good artist). And it’s a picture of two girls. One of them is taller and looks like me….and mysteriously the second girl in the picture is blushing with glasses, the same hair style and what not on. My friend hasn’t even met her, she doesn’t even know what she looks like, she doesn’t even KNOW about her. And yet he happened to draw that picture. I got really freaked out and stared at that picture all night when I got home. And I got the feeling I wasn’t alone. But I dunno, maybe all of this is coincidence, maybe not. But I’ll try this technique posted here to get through the meanings of dreams. Thanks you guys!

Skwerl, Sweetie, your dream interpretation is side tracking from this thread since it's about techniques themselves and I'm going to ask you to take your questions to a separate thread if you don't mind. Just copy/paste them as a new topic in this forum. Being a minor, you can't post it in the Practice reading forum but you could in this forum and open it up for discussion. Meanwhile I suggest you look into the article on the Dream Lodge. Thank you for understanding. (BTW...anyone reading this, Skwerl and I have inboxed to get to know each other a bit.)

Earthwalker, I really don't know anyone in your area that could teach this to you one on one or even a book to suggest that might help you. I have my own ways of working along these line and an affinity for the work that seems to be innate. I *just do it*, it *just happens* for me. And with the formal teachings I've received it's just a recipe to do what I do naturally anyway. I just happen to have my own techniques.

When someone tells me of their dream, journey, or vision they've received I *pop* right into it, I *see* it and I'm there with them. Many Medicine Teachers have ritualized formats to accomplish this, for me it just happens.

On the other hand if I'm doing intentional retrieval work it's very private, lengthy processing to get to where we can even recognize the problem and focus in on it. That I do in a prescribed manner of taking one painful issue (the most recent) and tracing back to the next and essentially going into each issue to clear the blockages. It's very much akin to psychotherapy work and is often an ongoing process that takes several sessions to accomplish.

This often involves my projection into it, sometimes it can be discussed on the surface if the person is adept at travel themselves. Basically it requires permission from the person and a level of trust they have with you to share such intimate details of their lives and spiritual journeys in the first place. Respect for that individual needs to be of utmost concern, confidentiality is critical, it's really exposing themselves and so the standards of any student-teacher or healing practices would apply ethically speaking. The ethics are important and I think Robert covered that well.

The individual's understanding of symbology, your understanding of their belief structures and symbology, their thought processing, etc. is all involved. This said as far as the technique goes I enter into the visions as one would enter into a book, into the author's descriptive terms and I take on the role of a Witness. I see the symbols as they describe them, the colors, the details and the vision's events so they all speak to me of many things. With what I'm shown I share with them or draw forth questions to help them find their answers and a course of action to resolve issues.

In a public setting it's very superficial, you can't go into the intimate details as that's just not appropriate and sets the individual up for ridicule by those who are present, and to teach it on the boards here could also be subjecting the knowledge to be used abusively. I would discuss my methods in detail with you privately however, and it would go into the teacher-student relationship that way, which you and I have already established, you see?

What I can address here is that whether you are going into this to help someone sort out a vision or the symbols (which we often do here at SL) or for some other reason where that intent defines the circumstances and the approach.

For soul-retrieval work the indepth work needs to be done very privately, it's painful, it's exposing our deepest parts of ourselves and total trust and honesty need to be at the core of that. It's the same for healing. The work itself can easily be abused and I'm not comfortable taking it fully into the techniques I use for that reason. Again, I'm sorry but it's only the surface theory that I'm willing to go public on.

That said, you asked: "Could you possibly take us deeper into these areas. Where I didn't relate to Robert was in the orientation. While he works with a Native American guide Island woman which is what drew me to his workshop his focus was more on the gods and goddesses etc."

It sounds to me as if he's more eclectic and taking the approach of witchcraft there, or at least polytheism. It doesn't matter though. To take the NA approach you work from within the center of the Seven Sacred Directions. Once there you hone in on the vision, step back in time (past) and enter it (drawing from the Below World with your Guides there to assist you), and you bring that to the present by exploring with this individual in the retelling portions.

I tend to see things they may have missed and will validate what I'm shown by asking if this or that was there, or was there something else over here that you forgot to tell me about? I let them define the details so that I know I'm seeing correctly.

Sometimes this calls for very deep work and hypnotic/trance states are brought into play. Again the deeper you go the greater the risk and more open the person needs to be. Sometimes you end up with that person spiritually sharing space with you and they are aware of your presence. It depends on where they are spiritually speaking on their own paths, how much control they have over their own abilities, and how open they will be with you.

For instance, when you share your visions here, or in private with me, I literally see the things you are sharing and understand the symbology you are being given. My spirit enters instantly. I can see when you are correct or taking something off course somehow. So I will speak up to you knowing our relationship is what it is. However with someone else I'd have to ask to do that, and be very cautious about giving them too much. You can't spoon feed either or they get nothing out of it and it's dismissed as a cool thing that was an experience but not the lesson or healing they needed. You see?

"In addition his way is different somehow rougher (possibly men’s verse woman’s medicine or just the lack of the bringing out to a mixed group the sacredness of these pathways, I am not sure)."

I think it's a bit of both. He needs to keep it neutral or non-traditional due to the variety of belief structures in his audiences. He's also going to go with a very methodical approach due to the Men's Medicine ways which are very different than the Women's Medicine in this respect. More ritualized if you will, and a ceremonial approach. Women's ways tend to be more empathic and clairsentient. The men have to work to get there more.

"I think I was looking more for the Native American perspective in soul retrieval and dream tracking etc. then what was presented."

Traditionally when this work is done there are lines or axis points that the shaman will spiritually travel through OBE/projection techniques and dimensional travel is involved. The skill level of that projection is going to vary from person to person. Some project their spirits up the Shamanic Tree or down it depending on what they're doing and looking for here. Others will use ropes or ladders as a visual portal connection, sometimes root systems or vines, but there is a fixation of connection to that entry point with the portal that allows them to "come back" from the experience. Guidance and centering are always first on the list naturally and awareness of their (your Guide/s) presence before going deeper.

"But it is all very interesting albeit I acknowledge that our guides are the ones who do most of the teaching. Still it would be nice to have more interaction and ways of practicing. Personally, I would also like a perspective that was more along the earth based perspectives. I have enough trouble with the symbolism here without getting into all of the symbolism of all cultures. But that is a personal perspective only."

I think most of us feel that way. *Smile* I'm guarded but if you have specific questions about the techniques he taught and just want to relate those to the NA perspectives I'll be happy to do that for you. It's a broad topic, and has many levels to it, so I'm afraid I don't have the time at the moment to develop a series of articles to cover all that. You ask, I'll answer as I can and I'm sure others will add what they can too. Okay? Perhaps doing so in separate threads so we can expand on things that way? I'd appreciate that as it may develop into pieces that would benefit our main library as well.

Whether healing, retrieving, or resolving issues a full understanding of the Seven Sacred Directions, their Medicine teachings, and interweaving presence is necessary so one knows how to proceed with the course of action required. So the risk factor is high with inexperience too. I think this is another reason why Robert addressed things as he did. His audiences don't hold that knowledge across the board and he can't delve deeper on introductory levels. I suspect that he does just that in his more advanced courses and longer workshops though. This workshop seems to have been designed to demonstrate the interconnectedness of the whole through means of synchronicity, which works well. It offered a feel for what this work was like, but it would only whet the appetite.

Robert certainly couldn't go into healing techniques or herbal lore, how to talk with the plants to know their Medicines or journey with them to see how to use them. He couldn't go into the retrieval techniques either. It just was too limited in time. There are many months and years of study needed to do this in opposition to the few hours he had to work with. His only recourse was to take you superficially into the experience, and only those who held this knowledge already would be able to go deeper. You sensed that it was not the place to fully share what you were shown and I'm sure you can understand the limitations that he was working under too. So with all this said, ask your questions and I'll do my best to answer them.

Thank you Cinnamon and I will ask as I have more questions.

Robert did teach a very beginning rendition of going down into the roots of a tree after choosing a favorite tree and we were instructed to feel and let out any sound that came from that connection. I have to admit I wasn't too much into this type of display. He also had people act out a dream of another, to introduce us to another technique he uses. I was a tree. Well I love trees but I didn't like being a tree in a group setting in kindergarten and like it even less in this setting; albeit it did get us up and off of our butts. Others however did seem to enjoy this role playing. I also ask the question why without native blood I was being drawn so strongly to the Native American perspective. He answered our guides can be in any form but they are a beginning to all of the ancient pathways. They are simply an initiation point to start us on our journeys. He then went into a discussion on, I believed KA the horned goddess etc. This had been his lifelong pursuit of his so like we all do we address situations in a manner that we feel most comfortable in. Still I have been shown that those pathways including Mayan are not where I belong and that severed a link to an extent. I think the only goddess I have been drawn to at all was Brigid later called St Bridget.

Synchronicity has also been evidenced in the past few days. I went to Borders and they had a bargain book the TAO Te CHING. Of all of the eastern spiritual traditions I always found Taoism the one I gravitated towards so I picked up the book for reference. It was a literal translation and showed the symbols and characters of the words. I had been hoping to find a symbol I had been given a couple of years ago and was my reasoning for asking about the Reiki symbols last fall. As I was skimming through this book I found a list of the radical (characters) and I found the symbol I had been looking for. It was a two stroke radical number 20 called SHAO and its meaning was to wrap around, to enfold; I think the way of healing. I also woke up to a dream this morning where I met a new guide or entity. I have a lot yet to understand in this meeting so I won't post just yet. From these discussions about synchronicity I did see values in another thing that was taught both by Robert and Cinnamon which was to journal or make notes of symbols etc. They will have meaning as Cinnamon says at the right time.

I'll watch for other posts then as you come to assimilations. As for the exercise in being a tree, I'm sure it was to create the visualization format so needed when one enters into this work.

Otherwise you're groping in the dark and doing a lot of guessing. It's a starting point. I'm not familiar with Ka but if she's a horned goddess then she's probably a moon goddess.

I haven't read the Tao Te Ching in 20 years, my copy is by Lao Tsu, and is translated by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English. Is that the same as yours? I wouldn't mind looking at issues from there either. *Smile* I'm a bit rusty but it might be fun.

Cinnamon, the copy I have is by LAO TZU but the translator and co
mmentary is by Jontahan Star.

Yesterday morning I met a new guide (?) as I awoke. He was all in white, NA and very old. his presence evoked a Knowing and Peace unlike any I have experienced before. Two things stood out he carried a white leather rattle and he wore some type of a cloak but it had two beaded belt strips of pure white over his shoulders. I think the pattern at least part was of upside down slightly flattened triangles. The rattle was important. I was to use it with a song to call. Enough said there. I asked him who he was? His answer was strange. I am Nanook (I saw a white Polar Bear), I am the Dolphins at play (I saw Dolphins), I am the waves of water (I saw the circulation of the wave and particles of water) and the winds and plains of energy (I saw plains of colored energy moving in large vibration horizontal movements); just as you are.

Quite frankly, the just as you are through me for a loop since The I became like a very young child just opening and awaking to the beauty of Mother Earth in the presence of this entity or presence.

He stayed while I drove to work and saw and felt the beauty of the land.

Somehow I felt places can be healed by this energy force if it is opened up to. As I drove to work I argued "don't ever ask that I give up seeing the beauty of this land, I cannot give up feeling the forests and see nature through the eyes of a child in wonder". He did answer as he left leaving the rattle in midair. The rattle and song, I believe is a way of calling this energy to heal. His energy is powerful yet so very calming. My wish is that it be shared with each of you as it spread across this land. Then I pick up the above book and read "Know this Primal Power that guides without forcing that serves without seeking that brings forth and sustains life yet does not own or possess it

One who holds this Power brings Tao to this very Earth he can triumph over a raging fire or the freeze of winter weather yet when he comes to rule the world it is with the gentleness of a feather."

I am just left thankful for this experience, the apparent synchronicities and simply wondering?

Earthwalker, well it might be interesting even if we have different translations. At least I have something to go by when you bring up points about what you get from the book. *Smile* We'll see where it goes.

The new Guide that came to you, his age and being all in white is indicative of him being one of the Ancient Ones, Master Teachers if you will. His countenance also addresses that understanding within him of the higher spiritual realms. His costume and his rattle are not known to me, but they seem to signify a standing so to speak, perhaps he oversees some specific pathway, like White Buffalo Calf Woman does. Much like a Spirit Keeper and his presentation is indicative of welcoming you to that path. It may not be named yet, but it is the path you are walking or you would not have been given these gifts to serve it.

"I am Nanook (I saw a white Polar Bear), I am the Dolphins at play (I saw Dolphins), I am the waves of water ( I saw the circulation of the wave and particles of water) and the winds and plains of energy (I saw plains of colored energy moving in large vibration horizontal movements); just as you are."

*Soft smile* He's telling you he is part of All That Is....the Web of Life...All Our Relations. When you took on the role of the child just opening and awaking to Mother Earth's beauty he's helping you see that you are starting to understand the path you are walking and that progress and growth await you. This is beautiful!

"Somehow I felt places can be healed by this energy force if it is opened up to."

Those feelings are important as our Guides impart through sensation as much as they do words. You understood the calling, the Song, the use of the Rattle and what they can summon into being. This is the Medicine you were given by this Guide.

"As I drove to work I argued "don't ever ask that I give up seeing the beauty of this land, I cannot give up feeling the forests and see nature through the eyes of a child in wonder".

Your spirit accepted this work then.

"Know this Primal Power that guides without forcing that serves without seeking that brings forth and sustains life yet does not own or possess it

One who holds this Power brings Tao to this very Earth he can triumph over a raging fire or the freeze of winter weather yet when he comes to rule the world it is with the gentleness of a feather."

It sounds to me as if this new Guide was gifting you with a rattle to use in the future, visually, and it may come into your hands in some way as well (these things have a way of doing that, I was given such a rattle years ago too *Smiles*. Mine is a bit different and has its own purpose but I know what you're talking about). Sometimes we're given a Song or Chant to summon certain energies, along with a tool that will assist us. Whether these come into physical manifestation is not important because we can bring them into being when we journey and do our pathwork. We use them one way or the other.

I'd say that you have completed your initiation process over the past several months and are now entering into the enlightenment of the path you're walking. Earthwalker, your recent attempt to find your physical teacher nearby taught you that you don't need that. You came to the conclusion that the Spirit Teachers are indeed our greatest teachers. So now you've received a new one. It is time to accept and that's just what you did. He'll be back, and he's given you the means to summon him whenever you want to study with him or do pathwork. Well done!

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